Practical Test (PPV) - Section A
Pursuant to art. 7, par. 1, L.n. 163/2021 “Disposizioni in materia di titoli universitari abilitanti” and following implementing decree n.554, 06/06/2022 and n.567, 20/06/2022, all candidates who have attained a Master's Degree in Psychology, under the previous non-qualifying didactic regulations, will acquire the qualification to practice the profession of psychologist upon passing a post-graduate professional internship and a Practical Test.
For the graduate students LM51 who will complete their 750 hours internship period (TPV) following the publication of implementing decrees n.554, 06/06/2022 and n.567, 20/06/2022, eCampus University will activate for the academic year 2023, two exam sessions for the Practical Test (PPV) for the enablement of Section A of the Board of Psychologists.
1st session: july 2024
- Deadline for application from 2 may to 3 june
2nd session: november 2024
- Deadline for application from 21 september to 21 october
At each session a maximum number of 150 participants will be admitted.
Fundamental Requirements The fundamental requirements to participate and to submit the application are the following:
- Being in possession of a Degree Course in Psychology, Class LM-51, or a Specialist Degree, Class 58/S attained under the previous non-qualifying didactic regulations, recognized as suitable in accordance with the current legislation;
- Having successfully completed the post-graduate professional internship (TPV), in accordance with L. 163/2021 and the related implementing decrees, for a total 750 hours;
To register for the session, you must fill in the online application form as provided for in the procedure attached in the FORM AND DOCUMENTATION section.
The following documents must be attached to complete the procedure:
- Copy of ID documents
- Copy of tax code
- Certificate of payment of the € 49,58 admission fee provided for in art.2, par. 3, of D.P.C.M. 21/12/1990. made by c/c order n. 1016, made out to: Agenzia delle Entrate – Centro Operativo di Pescara - Tasse scolastiche; payment description (to be written on the back of the postal order) tassa ammissione esame stato abilitazione alla professione di Psicologo Albo A
- Evaluation form certifying the completion of the 750-hour Practical Evaluation Internship
- CED, only if aids are required for the conduct of the test
NB. The last step of the online application procedure will involve payment of the €516 contribution (€500 tuition fee + €16 revenue stamp) via PagoPA. This step is binding for the assessment and approval of the application.
The office in charge will evaluate the submitted application and, if it is deemed suitable, will send an e-mail confirming the successful registration.
Should the office find that the requirements have not been met or that there are errors in the documentation, it will send due notice to indicate exclusion or to request the correction of documents previously submitted.
The test, to be taken in presence at Novedrate, will be oral and will focus on the activities carried out during the Practical Assessment Apprenticeship (PTV) and on the links between theories/models and professional practice and on aspects of legislation and professional ethics.
Pursuant to art. 3, par. 4, D.M. 567/2022, the PPV is assessed by a selection board, in equal composition, comprised of at least four members (half university professors and half professionals designated by the professional association territorially competent, registered).
*Please note that, for those who need it, it is possible to stay overnight at the Novedrate Campus at reduced rates. For information contact
Prof. Marco Cavallo | Associate Professor – ssd PSIC-04/B Clinical psychology – eCampus University – full member appointed by eCampus University |
Prof. Venusia Covelli | Associate Professor – ssd PSIC-03/A Social Psychology – eCampus University |
Dr. Bruno Marzemin | Psychologist and Psychotherapist – effective member appointed by OPL |
Dr. Roberta Pavan | Psychologist and Psychotherapist – effective member appointed by OPL |
Dr. Ylenia De Carlo | Psychologist and Psychotherapist – effective member appointed by OPL |
Dr. Valter Prpic | Fixed-term researcher – ssd PSIC-01/A General Psychology – eCampus University - Substitute member |
Results - November Session 2024
Interministerial Decree n. 554