eCampus University established a variety of post-diploma and post-degree courses closely linked to the competencies currently required by the Italian and European companies (as detected by the Ministry of Labour and Social Security in the web portal dedicated - clicLavoro) for the purpose of facilitating the entry into the labour market and in order to simplify the recognition of the abilities possessed.
All the pathways include one or more informatic/linguistic certificates recognized by the MIUR and by other ministries for open competitions and public rankings. Furthermore, any Certification provides a specific amount of academically recognized CFU (suitable for Bachelor's Degrees, Master's Degrees, Specialist Degrees and Single Cycle Degrees).
Issue of qualification
eCampus University has joined the Open Badge initiative, promoted by Cineca in accordance with DLgs 16 gennaio 2013 n.13 (national certification system), in order to increase the value of competencies/certifications acquired.
Each Open Badge is presented as a machine-readable document, containing the metadata regarding the competencies of its possessor.
Each Badge is unique and describes the history of its possessor: name, surname, date of issuance, specific information on the personal competencies (nature of the competencies, method of acquisition). Said information is instantly available in the dedicated patform (.Bestr).