Service Charter



(pursuant to and for the purposes of art. 4 of D.M. 17 April 2003)


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Art. 1- e-Campus Online University, establishment and headquarters

e-Campus Telematic University was established pursuant to D. M. 30-06-2006 (GU Serie Generale n.31 of 07-02-2006 - Suppl. Ordinario n. 32), as a non-state University.

Its registered office and operating center are located in Novedrate (CO), via Isimbardi n. 10. The detailed list and the updated references of the other operating center gradually activated in Italy and abroad, are available in the dedicated section, named "the campuses", of the institutional portal 

Art. 2 – Degree Titles and Purposes

e-Campus Online University shall issue the following degree titles:

a) degree titles provided in art. 3 first paragraph of decree 22 October 2004, n. 270: Bachelor's Degree (L), Master's Degree (LM);

b) First and second level Academic Masters

The institutional purposes are those provided for in article 2 of the Statute of e-Campus Telematic University. 

e-Campus Online University shall recognize to the students the right to education and shall commit to providing them with quality services for the duration of the registration -  in full respect for the fundamental principles, with regard to the supply of public services, and pursuant to the directive of the Prime Minister of 27 January 1994- with regard to its available formative offer and to the services, the activities, the modalities of provision of such activities, in compliance with the indications provided for by the Didactic Regulation of the University and in the present Service Charter.

The present Service Charter shall define the obligations towards the student pursuant to article 4, of DM 17 april 2003 (GU n.98 of 29-4-2003).       

e-Campus Telematic University shall employ mostly distance learning systems for its formation and information services, and shall commit to their availability online, thus providing the most efficient tool to achieve particular institutional objectives, and leading to an opportunity for a successful academic career for all the enroled students.

AIn any case, the students shall be granted the fruition of a detailed and constantly updated online Technical Guide, in order to allow an optimal use of the ICT tools.  

All the information expressed in the Service Charter codifies the services providable exclusively through distance learning, with the exception of the examinations and the final dissertation planned for each degree course.

Art. 3 - Service rules and student's rights

The fundamental service rules established by e-Campus Online University in order to guarantee the students equality of treatment and exercise of the rights, are mirrored in this Service Charter, in the Didactic Regulation of the University and in the  description of the Technological Platform, available in the institutional portal

Service quality shall be verified through criteria of efficacy and efficiency, and shall be measurable, for the right evaluation of the performances, using following indicators:

  1. quality of the provision of the educational services, quality of the availability of the services and of the formative support;
  2. clarity and accuracy of the communication and of the information;
  3. guarantee level of the right to education, without discrimination concerning gender, race, language, religion and political opinion and with criteria of justice, impartiality, objectivity and rationality;
  4. continuity and regularity of the modalities of provision of the services;
  5. functioning of alternative technological solutions in order to avoid any service interruption caused by the network and security systems of the technological equipment;
  6. degree of involvement and active participation of the users for the improvement of the quality of the service;
  7. degree of satisfaction of the users.

The student enroled at e-Campus Online University has the right to:

  1. receive quality service,
  2. receive an Evaluation System based on equality, transparency and rationality canons
  3. receive clear and prompt information, even through the tutoring
  4. access to the online system and to the platforms of the University
  5. the protection of their rights and personal information.

e-Campus Online University has established the 'Office for the Protection of the Rights of the Students' for any non-fulfilment perceived by the students, who may submit an application (handwritten, by post, by email; or online through an online form available on the portal and through a paper form which must be delivered to the Office for the Protection of the Rights of the Students) in order to request the intervention of the Student Ombudsman.

The S.O.:

  1. shall operate in order to guarantee the protection and the effectiveness of the student's rights;
  2. shall make proposals and express opinions on the questions regarding the fulfillment of the student's rights.

No anonymous applications are allowed; in addition, the application must contain the evidence (even documents) to support the declaration...

The University and the Student Ombudsman shall guarantee, within the framework of their activities, the strict confidentiality regarding the acquired information  in the performance of their duties.

The Student Ombudsman, in order to guarantee the neutrality and the transparency of the Activities of the University, after the assessment of the request application received, shall request, verbally or in writing, clarification to the other offices and authorities of the University; in particular, with no restriction on professional secrecy, the Student Ombudsman shall have the right to have access to all the administrative documents, to request and obtain the issue of their copies, and to have all the  related information.

Furthermore, in case the Student Ombudsman shall find any evidence of non-fulfilments, malfunctions, delays in the fulfilment of administrative actions regarding the students and whose responsibilities are attributable to the University authorities; and inform the Rector, the Director-General, or the other authorities provided for in the University regulations, for any activity under their responsibility.

Within 60 days from the student's application, the Student Ombudsman shall inform the interested parties on the result of said verification and on the eventual measure taken by the University.

At least once a year the Student Ombudsman must submit to the Rector and to the President of the Board of Directors a report on the activity carried out during the previous academic year.

The S.O. is forbidden to intervene in facts  of competence of the legal, administrative, civil or penal authorities.

The students shall have the faculty to submit to the Student Ombudsman  - through a  dedicated procedure on the institutional portal - their own suggestions, not necessarily connected to particular non-fulfilments, but motivated to the improvement of one or more processes/services/activities of the University.

Art. 4 - Description of the services provided and of the technical standards

The requirements and the features of the services shall be summarized below (letters a-f); they correspond to the technical standards provided for in the technical attachment to the DM 17 April 2003 and is reflected both in the Didactic Regulation of the University and in the detail of the technological solutions adopted by the University.

  • Educational Services, including the activities carried out in the virtual classrooms provided in synchronous modality (live meetings with teachers and tutors, in discussion groups comprised of maximum twenty users per activity on the Institutional Portal) and in asynchronous modality in order to allow the student to manage independently their learning process (Portal, e-learning platform, other institutional channels).
  • Information services, allowing the students to find in real-time, though IT tools, each communication/information useful for a correct management of their academic career both from an administrative and educational point of view, as well as for the exercise of their right to information and communication.
  • Tutoring services, in order to assist the students in the various stages of their career, with particular attention to overcoming eventual problems which may occure during the educational path. Among the most important services are: the introduction to the formative path during the first six months of activity, the support on the content for the disciplines considered complex, the consultation and the creation of a personalized study plan, the coordination of the activities of professionalizing internship, the formative activities carried out in a virtual workshop and during the partial examinations, as well as the preparation for the examination and the final dissertation.
  • Services related to the Multimedia Library, in order to guarantee to the students the immediate attainment of objects and formative contents, conveniently organized and meta-dated on the basis of specific topics subject of study and of in-depth analysis, and most importantly organized in order to make the preparation to the various verifications (self-assessment, partial exam) effective and focused. All the aforementioned services are online and without any moderation service. 
  • Orientation services, in order to provide the users with the necessary information to make thoughtful choices and decisions with regard to the most appropriate courses for their potentialities. The aforementioned service meets all the requests for information of the non codified requests.
  • Administrative Student Admnistration Office, completely online, in order to enable the students to manage their academic career from a distance. The secretariat shall be divided into two areas: the administrative and didactic areas. The first supports the communicative exchange and the exercise of the right to the recognition and the attainment of the certificates attesting the career of the student. The second area is intended to support the communicative exchange between teaching staff and non-teaching staff as security for the right to education of the students.

The student is entitled to use online services and teaching without software or connectivity issues.

The recommended requirements for accessing online lessons and using all the services of the Uniecampus Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) and for taking the written exams online are a desktop computer (or notebook) equipped with an 8th generation Intel i5 or 3rd generation AMD Ryzen 5 processor, both Quad Core, or equivalent, with Microsoft Windows 10/11 or Apple Mac OS 12 operating system with at least 8 GB RAM memory, screen with 1024 x 768 resolution or higher, sound card, speakers, microphone and a webcam (required for webinars and profit exams, useful for receptions at the Teachers' remote offices). A browser (Microsoft Edge 98.x, Google Chrome v. 98, Mozilla Firefox v. 97 and Safari v. 15 or higher. A fibre/ADSL internet connection via cable or WI-FI (a connection with a USB stick or mobile hotspot is only valid with 5G and 4G connections but may not be sufficient for reception reasons).

For all the details regarding the other operating systems and the other devices (mobile or not) please refer to the 'Compatibility Matrix' section of the Reserved Area, which shall be updated frequently by the Technical Staff.

* the 2G connections (GPRS and GSM) are prohibitive for the audio and video streaming.

The University platform is based on Internet technologies and relational databases: thanks to its scalability, it is structured so as to guarantee the access and the fruition of the services on the part of more than 5.000 users at the same time. 

The existing structure is the subject of objective performance measurement with standard tools and methods and shall undergo variations or improvements also in relation with the effective number of users related to the system. The University shall promptly communicate said variations to all the students both by notice on the Reserved Area or by push notification on the official app.

The platform shall guarantee real-time tracking of the activities with granularity at least in terms of Learning Objects and tests; in addition, it may adopt contents defined in accordance with the SCORM and xAPI contents, with metadata relative to the same standards.

The system is capable of providing detailed reports on the activities for which a necessity of tracking  has been defined: the student may easily access to it though the dedicated menu present in their Personal Page on the VLE.

All the tracking data and the data acquired for administrative purposes shall be maintained on the database for the time necessary to the fulfillment of the tasks for which they are registered, and in compliance with the current legislation; in general, all the data shall be processed so as to guarantee their logical and physical secrecy. The tracking data used is provided by the management software ESSE3 of CINECA.

Art. 5 - Modality of implementation of the services and didactic methodologies

The access of the users to all the services provided buy the University (didactic activities, administration offices, library, placement, etc.) is allowed through a unique identification system (Single Sign-On System through Shibboleth technology), guaranteeing a uniform integration of the entire technological structure, as well as compliance to the highest international standards.

The implementation of the online didactic services is made possible 24 hours a day for synchronous and asynchronous didactic activities; and on scheduled time for the live events.

Each live event is moderated by teachers and tutors, whom shall grant the access to their students, up to a maximum of 20 participants.

However, access to each live event is granted to the totality of the students registered to the course of study related to the event.

The didactic methodology is based on principles, criteria and standards defined in art. 4, of DM 17 April 2003 and its Technical Annex, and is reflected throughout the technical solutions adopted by the University.

The didactic methods allow:

  • assisted study though live events, moderated by teachers and tutors;
  •  collaborative study, though activities implemented in synchronous and asynchronous modalities, which may be moderated remotely.
  •  hands-on study method, implemented through the autonomous involvement of the student in different live events and synchronous/asynchronous didactic activities;
  •  autonomous study, completely self-managed by the student, non-moderated, yet constantly monitored.

The main available virtual environments, compliant with the usability, connectivity, interactivity, inter-operability and traceability standards are:

  •  TheTraditional classrooms, employed for seminars and full immersion lectures given by teachers or disciplinary tutors, in the presence of the student;
  •  Virtual Classroom (webinar), on synchronous modality on the online platform of the University, for the implementation of live lectures and intensive courses, aimed at the development of abilities related to collaborative learning;
  •  the e-learning platform, on asynchronous modality, for the consultation of the media library, various lessons and the reference bibliography, for the implementation of exercises, and self-assessment tests on the virtual classrooms; aimed at an autonomous and self-management learning;
  •  the web portal, on asynchronous modality aimed at managing the exchange of information among the students; on synchronous modality aimed at the implementation of in-depth learning activities, group exercises and projects, with the assistance of tutors and moderators.

All the aforementioned activities are meta-dated so as to enable the the teaching and non-teaching personnel to acquire information and reports useful for the supervision of the general didactic performance. The tracking system enables the students to monitor their academic career and to evaluate their dedication.

For the purpose of granting high quality standards, reducing the drop-out rate, the average  duration of the studies and the number of "fuori corso" students; in accordance with  d.m. 987/2016, the University avails itself of disciplinary tutors, whom carry out didactic activities in the virtual classes through the use of the Academic Platform, promoting the correct implementation of the distance-learning activities, and contributing to the continuous improvement of the quality of the courses.

The disciplinary tutor facilitates the didactic interaction and, in general, the communication between teachers and students, and suppports the teaching staff contributing to the organization of the supplementary didactic activities.

LIn the first place, the students willing to take an examination, are required to fill in the evaluation questionnaire, as provide for in the ministerial guidelines. The submission of the questionnaire is mandatory for the reservation of the exam. The University guarantees that all the data shall be processed anonymously.

Art. 6 – Supplemental Educational Services (SES)

Supplementary Didactic Services are a series of activities that are highly recommended -but not indispensable- for the purposes of completing career acts. These additional services, which may or may not be booked directly depending on the student's enrolment profile (standard or contracted), and allow for the performance of additional but not compulsory educational activities for the purposes of taking examinations, i.e. they are not subject to assessment for the same.

the main SESs provided are as the following:

  1. Web Lessons: : supplementary lessons on the main topics of the subjects characterizing the Degree Course. Said educational interventions are structured in cycles throughout the academic year and are held directly by the Professors/Tutors via videoconference, on the basis of a predefined calendar (this particular activity is not available for Masters, Advanced training courses, Higher Professional Education courses).
  2. Virtual Lab: technical-practical seminars related to real cases, simulations, project working, e-tivities, etc., held directly by the Professors/Tutors in videoconference, according to a predefined schedule this particular activity is not available for Masters, Advanced training courses, Higher Professional Education courses).
  3. Virtual Intensive Weeks: full immersion with daily meetings in videoconference held directly by the Professors/Tutors, lasting one week, at the end of which the students will carry out the final exam (extra ordinary session - SES not available for Single Courses, Masters, Advanced training courses, Higher Professional Education courses).
  4. eCampus WorkApp: job placement platform available to our graduate/undergraduate students which allows them to view job offers and create a CV in line with their expectations and their professional profile.
  5. MyeCampus: Official App of the eCampus University that will give you access to a series of services (reservations, consultations, etc.) directly from your smartphone.
  6. Interactive APP eCampus: interactive app, which allows you to simulate the experience of a written exam, (SES not available for Single Courses, Masters, Advanced training courses, Higher Professional Education courses).

Art. 7 – The didactic material

The didactic contents provided by the University for each lecture may be text material, pictures, animations, audiovisuals, etc.

The University produces the aforementioned material according to reliability, completeness and quality parameters, handling their constant update.

Said material shall be validated through the modalities and tools created by the Premanent Didactic Commission, provided for in art. 4 of the Statute of the University.

LThe Course Profiles are available both in the reserved area of the Student and in the public area of the Academic portal (cfr. Guide for the Consultation of Course Profiles)

Art. 8 – Evaluation of the examinations and the didactic services

he evaluation for the purpose of the examinations is not necessarily limited to the implementation of the final examination, but can also take account of the formative objectives reached by the students as a consequence of the results attained for the partial examinations, as well as the constancy in the effective participation to the online activities, and in documented fruition of the online lectures.

The final exam for every subject is canonically conducted in pprese - but also online for special periods or cases, e.g. health emergencies - at one of the University's branches, in accordance with the procedures set out in the current Didactic Regulations.

The overall results and the qualitative level of the didactic activities, as well as the satisfaction levels of the users, shall undergo a regular analysis on the part of the Academic Evaluation Board, based on the AVA System of the ANVUR.

For the purpose of self-assessment and accreditation, the University has established the following bodies:

  • the Academic Quality Assurance Committee, with the aim to: supervise the proper conduct of the procedure of Quality Assurance; organize and verify the constant update of the information contained in the Course Profiles; guaranteeing the correct flow of information to and from the Evaluation Board and the Teacher-Student Joint Committee;
  • the Re-examination Group, whose activity is coordinated by the Teachers responsible for the different Courses of Study; its aim is to monitor the validity of the didactic planning and the permanence of the resources, through a rearly Re-examination Report;
  • the Teacher-Student Joint Committee, with the aim to evaluate and formulate ameliorative proposals for each Course of Study, through a yearly report, transmitted to the Quality Assurance Committee and the Academic Evaluation Board; You can find more information on the folllowing link: /ateneo/struttura-e-personale/commissioni-paritetiche-docenti-studenti/index.html;
  • a Group for Quality Assurance for each Bachelor's Degree Course or Master's Degree Course, with the aim to draft the Course Profile, containing the training objectives, indications on the students' experiences, training results, and the organization of the Course of Study.

Art. 9 - Study Plans

The study plans shall be implemented totally or partially through distance learning, and shall be characterised according to each course of study (Bachelor's Degree, Master's Degree, Specialization Course, Advanced Training Course, Academic Master) pursuant to and for the purposes of D.M. 270/04 and D.M. 17 april 2003, and the following ministerial implementing decrees. 

The Study Plans shall be disciplined in the Academic Didactic Regulations, and in the didactic regulations provided for in DM 270/2004, and shall pursue the learning objectives proper to the Degree Class to which they belong.       

The individual courses, conveniently codified and quantified in CFU, may be re-organized according to the exploitability of the competencies characterizing the learning objectives, and re-inserted in pre-determined study plans realized ad hoc, even in agreement with public and private institutions for the implementation of professional training courses.       

With reference to the Degree Courses, each study plan shall contain basic didactic activities, characterizing didactic activities, supplementary didactic activities, and other activities as follows: optional didactic activities, second foreign language, internships, workshops, etc.

Art. 10 - Functional Organization

The academic functional organization is defined by the statute of "eCampus Online University".

The governmental bodies are: the President of the Technical-Supervisory Committee; the Honorary President of eCampus University; the President of the Board of Directors, the Technical-Supervisory Committee.

The operating management of the University is supervised by the Director General and shall be articulated in the following operative units:

  1. administration
  2. personnel
  3. video and graphic production;
  4. technological structure;
  5. multimedia library;
  6. didactic services;
  7. Student administration offfice and general services

The supervisory bodies are: 

  1. the Evaluation Board, with the aim to evaluate the users' level of satisfaction and the quality of the services provided by the teaching and non-teaching staff, as well as the degree of efficiency of the technology used;;    
  2. the Board of Auditors, for the supervision of the administration of the society and the balance sheet correspondence.

Art. 11 - Students with Disabilities, Learning Diseases or Special Educational Needs

The accessibility and usability of the university web portal by students with disabilities, learning diseases and special educational needs are guaranteed by WC3 standards and by the periodic checks published in the dedicated area of the portal. 

For the specific needs of students with disabilities, learning diseases and special educational needs, at the time of enrolment, the permanent or temporary technological requirements to be made available are established in order to facilitate the use of teaching materials (e.g. provision of L.O. accessible from a specific accessible platform, see the dedicated section in the Student's Technical Guide, available in the Reserved Area), to access specific online services (e.g. the platform for distance learning of written tests) and to apply dispensatory and/or compensatory measures for taking exams.

For descriptive and operational details regarding the services provided for these students, please refer to the Service Charter of the Academic Commission for Students with Special Educational Needs (CABES).

Art. 12 - The contract with the student

The Contract has equal duration to the legal duration of the individual Degree Course. Before the subscription of the Contract, the student shall have access to the Academic Didactic Regulations, available at the following linknbsp;

The contract may be integrated with special features for disabled users, not yet provided in the VLE, in accordance with the current legislation.

The students up to date with the payments related to the tutition fees, including the secretariat fees, may withdraw from the studies (or require the transfer to another University), thus terminating the relationship with the University, submitting, in the period from 01 to 31 August of each year, the specific form, addressed to the Rector by registered mail, or by certified mail to the following address:

eCampus Online University reserves the right to suspend the service in case of breach of contract on the part of the student.

The competent court of jurisdiction is that of Como.






Date of approval by the Technical-Supervisory Committee: 14 February 2023

D.R. n. 16/22Download-PDF