
An internship involves three subjects: the intern, the promoting subject, eCampus University, and the host subject, a company/entity. During the internship period the university tutor (a teacher of the university) and the company tutor (who does not necessarily have to be the legal representative), will guide and follow the interns.

In order to get admitted to a curricular or extracurricular internship it is mandatory to pass the COURSE ON SAFETY IN THE WORKPLACE (as per D. Lgs 81/08). All the eCampus students may attend to the online course freely accessing to the following site:

In order to start an intership period it is necessary an agreement between the promoting subject and the host subject (company, professional office, cooperative, public entity etc.), along with a training project prepared and signed by the host subject and the intern, where all the rights and duties have been  enstablished. 

The University, in its capacity as promoting subject,  shall be responsible for insuring the intern against any occupational accident by INAIL and, for any civil responsibility, by insurance company operating in the field.

There are different types of internships:

CURRICULAR (addressed to the STUNDENTS enrolled to a university course or a master's degree). They serve the purpose of perfecting a learning process through school/work alternation. This type of activity startsand ends before the completion of the degree, it does not provide any obligation for the Host Entity to implement a reimbursement of expenses for the intern. The maximum duration is 12 MONTHS per Course of Study, a minimum duration does not exist. Usually the duration shall be calculated on the basis of the CFU provided for in the study plan;

EXTRACURRICULAR (for the GRADUATES who got their degree, or master's degree within 12 months before the start of the internship). Extracurricular internships are intended to facilitate the professional choices of the students during the transition phase between school and work by means of training in a productive environment leading to a first hand knowledge of the working life. This type of internship cannot last more then 6 MONTHS, and the minimum duration is two months. It provides for the obligation for the Host Entity to implement a reimbursement of expenses for the intern, as instructed in the legislation, and for the obligation for the Host Entity to communicate the start/extension/suspension/interruption of the internship to the local Job Centre. The legislation is that of the Region where the internship takes place, although there are National Guidelines providing for a reference legislative framework.

PROFESSIONAL INTERNSHIPS a professional internship is a mandatory learning experience for the access to the regulated professions. The duration depends on the indication of the reference Order.

Reference legislation
* Art. 18 Law of 24 June of 1997, n. 196 (Norme in materia di promozione dell’occupazione)
* Interministerial Decree of 25 march 1998, n. 142 (Regolamento recante norme di attuazione dei principi e dei criteri di cui all’articolo 18 della legge 24 giugno 1997, n.196, sui tirocini formativi e di orientamento)
* Circular of the Ministry of Labour of 15 July 1998, n. 92 (Occupazione – misure straordinarie – tirocini formativi e di orientamento – stages – precisazioni del ministero)
* Legislative Decree. 9 April 2008, n. 81 e
* greement between the Government, the Regions and the Autonomous Provinces of Trento and Bolzano on the “Linee guida in materia di tirocini formativi e di orientamento”, pursuant to article 1, from paragraph 34 to 36, to law 28/06/2012, n.92. Conference of 25 May 2017.