Welcome to the RESEARCH area of eCampus University!
Research is the lifeblood of our University, what allows us to constantly innovate our methodologies and didactic contents, in addition to facing the social and technological challenges of our times. Our academic staff is actively involved in several projects and scientific studies giving rise to high-quality publications, on national and international magazines.
from the regulation on on the research Policy of eCampus university:
Art. 1 - General purposes of the research activity (from the eCampus Regulation on Research)- A primary objective of the University is that of promoting the activity of basic research and applied research and the ability to transfer knowledge and results to other authorities and businesses, in order to guarantee to its student a high-profile scientific and didactic instruction.
- The programmatic policies of the University for the realization of this objective are concentrated on various development strategies including:
- the creation of a support helpdesk for the improvement of the competitiveness and the planning of the researchers/teachers within the framework of the national and international competition announcements and of applied research
- the promotion and the support to the research activity through the institution of a fund for each Faculty and for each Research Centre and the implementation of organizational processes and of evaluation processes for the quality of the scientific results
In addition, the University supports scientific innovation through the development of projects with the following modalities:
Commissioned research
GBy virtue of the presence of high-profile skills and experiences, both as part of pure and applied research, eCampus is an ideal partner to the businesses for the development of organizational, technologic and cultural innovation. The themes related to the Industry 4.0, IT and Industrial Automation, go hand in hand with the offer of specialistic know-how in various areas of interest: civil and environmental engineering, architecture and design, circular economy, environmental and economic sustainability, health and wellbeing, managerial innovation, business modelling and entrepreneurship, management and promotion of the human resources. eCampus is accredited as a Research Partner to the Lombardy Region - QUESTIO System – Sistema QUESTIO
Funded research
eCampus is participating in competitions and tender procedures at regional, national and international level, in order to fund notably challenging projects of research and innovation, requiring a transnational, inter-disciplinary, synergic approach. In this regard we cooperate with several universities and research centres, institutions and public entities, companies and nonprofit organizations, both in Italy and abroad. Our projects range from technologic innovation to social innovation, with particular attention to the subject of human rights, interculturality and diversity, active citizenship, promotion of cultural heritage and human capital.
For further details, visit our VIRTUAL INBOX and our active RESEARCH CENTRES; in order to activate partnerships and synergies, or to share ideas and projects which we could help to implement, write to our Research SMARTdesk
eCampus University UNI-FIND Portal
The UNI-FIND portal of eCampus University stems out of the need to have a single, integrated and updated interface of Uniecampus' know-how, for the purpose of highlighting the various declinations of its missions, thus supporting:
- the valorization of academic competencies;
- the sharing and the interdisciplinary nature of the work of researchers and the Faculties (eventually departments);
- technology transfer to the outside world;
- patenting and support for entrepreneurship.
All this to the benefit of the internal community and of the relations of the University with external stakeholders.
UNI-FIND allows the user to navigate through Uniecampus' competencies quickly and easily as well as to find comprehensive and constantly updated information related to:
- professors and researchers;
- research activities and areas;
- scientific production;
- research groups,
- teaching details;
- professional skills
- public engagement activities (Third Mission).
To access the portal click here.
IRIS Catalogue

The Catalogue of Research Products contains the scientific production of the university's professors and researchers. This application was developed by Cineca following the merger with CILEA and CASPUR of the U-GOV Research system, thus inheriting its pre-existing functions.
The Catalogue, which has been operational since November 2013, contains all the products already entered in the current system and in the MUR teaching sites and is the only tool for entering the University's scientific production. The MUR teaching sites, which remain in view-only mode, are in fact automatically powered by the Catalogue itself without the need for double data entry.
Click here; to log in to the Iris catalogue; in order to log in "Login", please use the "Login" link (at the top right) and enter the credentials

Zenodo is archivio digitale europeo an open european digital archive for the sharing of data of research. Zenodo is the result of the collaboration between Cern and the OpenAire project, within the Seventh European Framework Programme, Zenodo constitutes a simple and innovative service enabling researchers, scientists and institutions of the EU to share and present multidisciplinary research results (data and publishing), at any stage of the research process.
One of the objectives of the OpenAire project is the realization of an infrastructure to support European researchers by providing guidelines, best practices, models and technologies to deposit, access and make available raw research data.
Log in to the Link portal to access Zenodo