Teacher-Student Joint Committee
Two Joint Teachers-Students Committees (CPDS) are established within the University by Rectoral Decree:
- a CPDS related to the "Human Science" category;
- a CPDS related to the "Theoretical and Applied Sciences" category.
Each CPDS is composed equally of teachers and students, ensuring the presence of a faculty member and a student per course of study or analagous courses of study.
Pursuant to the regulations in force the CPDS shall:
- carry out monitoring activities of the educational offer; of the quality of the teaching as well as of the service activities to the students of teachers and tutors, identify indicators for the evaluation;
- formulate opinions on the coherence between the credits assigned to the educational activities and the specific educational objectives planned;
- formulate opinions on the activation and suppression of courses;
- raw up an annual report, divided by Course of study, which is then sent to the School Coordinators, the Evaluation Committee and the governing bodies of the University. Said bodies will then take into account all the educational pathways, with particular reference to the results of the student surveys, indicating any problems and issues related to a specific Course of Study. In this regard, the task of the CPDS is not to solve, but to 'ensure' the attention of the University and, in particular, of the Schools to the problems and critical issues highlighted by students through questionnaires or other 'channels' available. The CPDS receive reports from the Reporting Office (segnalazioni@uniecampus.it), to which reports and complaints from students, as well as from faculty, tutors and technical-administrative staff, should be addressed.
The composition of the CPDS is the following:
CPDS HUMAN SCIENCE: cpds.scienzeumane@uniecampus.it
per i CdS L-3 Design and the art of fashion
- Mita Alessandra, professor
- Student representative under appointment
per i CdS L-10 Literature, art, music and drama and LM-14 Italian Literature, Language and Culture: and LM-14 Italian Literature, Language and Culture
- Feyles Martino Maria, professor
- Solina Paoletta, student
per i CdS L-11 L-11 Languages and culture of Europe and the rest of the world and LM-37 Modern Languages, Literature and Inter-cultural translation
- Bianciardi Silvia, professor
- Student representative under appointment
for L-14 L-14 Legal Services and LMG/01 Law
- Ferraro Fabrizio, professor
- Novello Patrizia, student
for L-15 Cultural heritage conservation
- Puccio Francesco, professor
- Corvaglia Francesco, student
for L-19 Education and Training and LM-85 Education Sciences
- Sgrò Giovanni, professor, President
- Anzivino Mariapia, student
for L-20 Communication Science
- Bonomi Sabrina, professor
- Student representative under appointment
for L-33 Economics and LM-56 Economics
- Marcelli Angelina, professor
- Shpakova Alyona, student
for L-36 Political and Social Science
- Ferro Valeria, professor
- Scifo Salvatore, student
CPDS SCIENZE TEORICHE E APPLICATE: cpds.scienzeteoricheapplicate@uniecampus.it
for L-7 Environmental and Civil Engineering and LM-23 Civil Engineering:
- Bocci Edoardo, professor
- Scalera Giovanni, student
for L-8 Automation Engineering and LM-32 Automation Engineering
- Suraci Vincenzo, professor
- Atzeni Gianluca, student
for L-9 Industrial Engineering and LM-33 Industrial Engineering
- Chiappini Gianluca, professor
- D’Elia Michele, student
for L-13 Biological Sciences
- Gimelli Margherita, professor
- Montagnani Fabio, student
for L-22 Physical Education and Sports and LM-67 Science of Physical Activity for Health and Well-being
- De Giorgio Andrea, professor
- Celentano Francesca, student
for L-24 Psychology and LM-51 Psychology
- Cicero Lavinia, professor
- Melandri Alessia, student
for LM-61 Human Nutrition Sciences
- Borgato Michele, professor
- Rotondo Ylenia, student