Office for the Protection of the Rights of the Students

The Office for the Protection of the Rights of the Students ( of eCampus University, enstablished by Decree of the Chairman of the Technical-Supervisory Committee n.n. 187 of 22 April 2010, has the following tasks:

- Intervene in order to protect any student whose rights or interests have been violated by abuses, malfunctions, delays attributable to omissive measures or behaviours concerning the University authorities administrative organs and offices;

- express their opinion, eventually intervening through warnings to the competent administrative organs, as a result of appropriate submissions by the students council or individual students;

- guarantee the protection of the student's personal data through the adoption of all the security measures guaranteed by the privacy policy;

- put forward proposals in order to express opinions on questions regarding the implementation of the student's rights;

- present a complete report to the Academic Senate on a yearly basis.



  • Prof. Eng. Riccardo Botteri

  • Prof. Maurizio Pasquetti

  • Dr. Gaia Bosisio