Regulation of the Study and research centre on legal policies and the system of production and services CEDIS
Art. 1 - Establishment, seat, term
1. The faculty of Law of e-Campus Online University hereby establishes the “STUDIES AND RESEARCH CENTRE ON LEGAL POLICIES AND THE SYSTEM OF PRODUCTION AND SERVICES” (CEDIS), hereinafter referred to as the “Centre”.
2. The Centre is based in Novedrate, at e-Campus University.
3. The Centre enjoys full organisational and financial autonomy and operates under a self-financing regime.
4. The Centre is established for a term of 3 years.
Art. 2 - Objectives
The CEDIS aims to monitor and analyse the evolution of legal policies in specific public and private strategic sectors, focusing on their elements and innovative tools. Particular attention will be paid to the criteria of interpretation of the provisions governing matters of a systemic nature, based on the analysis of the reference legal framework, and of the emerging theoretical and political debate regarding innovations that have been introduced. The CEDIS also aims at being an active tool for the analysis of dynamics of the specific scenarios and contexts affected by legal policies, in collaboration with institutional stakeholders and the public administration.
Art. 3 - Goals
The CEDIS aims to be a centre for the study of legal policies in strategic areas, such as economy, health, welfare, labour, education and training, energy and the environment, Public Administration, and culture.
By pursuing specific objectives and goals, it will carry out its activity on multiple levels: firstly on the epistemological/cognitive level, which pertains to the study of legal science, of the concepts that underlie it and its operational implications. Particular attention will be paid to issues of methodology of legal science as a product of legal experts and general legal theoreticians and to the observation of the evolution of methodological models, also in relation to other social sciences. At epistemological level, the centre will ultimately carry out a critical analysis of the relationship between legal science and the legal system as a product of the converging actions of legislators, lawyers, judges and other legal operators (such as interpreters and implementing bodies) in modern society. Starting from the assumption that there are various paradigms of legal science, the centre will focus its analysis on the objectives and goals attributed to legal science and the various forms of knowledge, interpretation and rationalisation of law in the diachronic and, especially, in the synchronic sense.
Aware of the peculiarities of legal science as an element that is shaped by, and at the same time shapes, the social, economic and cultural context of reference, there will be space for an in-depth analysis of the categories and of the philosophical and epistemological tools used to explain and interpret the relationship between law and the system in which it is developed and acts.
Given the plurality of the possible reference scenarios, the study of the different and emerging paradigms will also be approached and understood as an opportunity for constructive dialogue between various cultures. By following this approach, the CEDIS aims to become a place of sharing, comparison and deepening of knowledge of the theories that propose a critical analysis of law and its categories, seeking to focus on their philosophical, political, cultural and anthropological inspiration. The sources used will mainly be legal, legal/philosophical and sociological/legal literature and the documentary materials of modern debate.
On an analytical/cognitive level, the CEDIS aims to monitor and analyse the evolution of legal policies in the aforementioned strategic sectors, focusing on their elements and innovative tools. Particular attention will be paid to the criteria of interpretation of the provisions governing matters of a systemic nature, based on the analysis of the reference legal framework, and of the emerging theoretical and political debate regarding innovations that have been introduced. The CEDIS also aims at being an active tool for the analysis of dynamics of the specific scenarios and contexts affected by legal policies, in collaboration with institutional stakeholders and the public administration.
On an analytical/comparative level, the Study Centre intends to provide a critical reinterpretation of the dynamics it monitors and analyses as per its profile, which will be shared and made available to the scientific world and institutions. In this context, the CEDIS will place particular focus on the assessment of legal policies, or of specific elements/tools, expressions of such policies, which are susceptible to:
- act as “testing ground” for legal decrees and for programmatic policies with regard to their ability to express the fundamental principles that underlie them;
- have an impact on the production and service system;
- be presented as “trend laboratories”, relevant in the context of possible geographical and/or sectoral expansion, or with regard to the redefinition of values, concepts or key categories of law, with consequent impact on the social or social, economical and cultural system of reference.
With regard to all sectors of specific interest, the CEDIS aims to act as a means of reinforcement of the knowledge system. Given its role of monitoring and analysis of the contexts affected by the actions of the Legislator, and of identifying the impact of legal policies on said contexts, the CEDIS also aims to play an active role in the policy making process, in all its various forms. Hence, more specifically, its activity on the strategic/planning level, as supporting tool for the definition, redefinition and implementation of programmatic policies, in association with the regional bodies involved at various levels, which explain the sectoral intervention strategies (local, regional, national, EU, international). Specifically, the international context which serves as reference for the cognitive, analytical and evaluating activities, as they have been identified above, makes it possible for the Study Centre to assume a leading position in the academic world, with respect to other research centres, in the public or private services system and in the Public Administration for the integrated development of projects inside and outside the European Union.
Lastly, the CEDIS aims to become a tool for dissemination, sensitisation and education, through the promotion and organisation of meetings, conferences and round table discussion on subjects that pertain to its activities, the production of scientific and informational documents and publications, and the organisation of thematic seminars.
Art. 4 - Activities
- Epistemological/cognitive area
- Study of the various legal science paradigms
- Study of the dynamic relationship between the law and the social, economic and cultural system of reference
- Study of the methodology of legal science and of the evolution of methodological models, also in relation to the other social sciences
- Intercultural study of the historical/cultural roots and anthropological, philosophical and political models that serve as inspiration for legal science in its various forms
- Analytical/cognitive area
- Identification and monitoring of legal policies in the strategic sectors of the economy, health, welfare, labour, public administration, education and training, energy and the environment, and culture
- Descriptive analysis of sectoral dynamics of legal policies
- Descriptive analysis and monitoring of innovative legal policies, or legal policies that bring innovative elements/tools at sectoral and/or intersectoral level
- Analysis of the scenarios and contexts in which legal policies develop and on which they impact, preparatory to the evaluation of point 3, complementary to the actions of points 2 a) and b)
- Evaluation/comparative area
- Assessment of sectoral legal policies: analysis of the expectations (ex ante) and of the impact on the social, economic and cultural system of reference (in itinere and ex post).
- Assessment of the feedback generated by the system on applied legal policies
- Comparative assessment of sectoral legal policies
- Benchmarking aiming at improving the efficacy of sectoral legal policies and willingness to change
- Strategic/project area
- Active participation in the policy making process in its various forms
- Support for the definition and implementation/review of sectoral programmatic policies at various levels of governance
- Support for the definition of targeted interventional political/programmatic strategies that have an effect on the legal/legislative and administrative/managerial framework, with reference to the areas of the next point
- Promotion of innovative programmes for the development of legal policies at local, regional, national and international level, with particular reference to the strategic areas identified below
- Main areas of interest:
- social and health system
- production system
- Public Administration system
Art. 5 - Bodies of the Centre
The bodies of the Centre are as follows:
1. Scientific director
2. Operations coordinator
3. Professors and researchers
The mandate of the centre’s bodies is set to three years.
The early termination, on any grounds, of the mandate of a representative of the Centre’s bodies shall have no effect on the normal term of the body itself.
Art. 6 - Scientific management
1. The Centre’s Scientific Director is elected by the University Senate from among its professors who apply as candidates for its management.
2. The Scientific Director’s mandate is set for the entire 3-year term; he/she represents the centre and appoints its operations coordinator.
3. The Scientific Director prepares the programme of research activities, the budget and financial statements, drafts the annual report on the research activities carried out by the centre.
Art. 7 - Operations Coordinator
1. The Operations Coordinator is appointed by the Scientific Director.
2. The Operations Coordinator implements the annual programme of research activities elaborated with the Scientific Director.
3. The Operations Coordinator promotes all activities of the centre and coordinates its services, emits the orders necessary for its operation and supervises its administration.
Art. 8 - Researchers
The following persons may be employed by the Centre:
1. Professors and researchers of e-Campus university, from both the faculty of Law, founder of the Centre, and from other faculties of the university, who declare their willingness to participate in the Centre’s activities with a request sent to the Scientific Director.
2. National and international eminent scholars in the areas of the centre’s interest.
Art. 9 - Sources of financing
The Centre carries out its activities aiming to be self-financed and uses resources originating from:
- Contributions of e-Campus university.
- Activities on behalf of third parties.
- Agreements and contracts.
- Income from the sale of publications.
- Fees for the registration and participation in scientific or educational activities organised by the Centre.
- Individual contributions.
- Charitable donations.
Art. 10 - Dissolution of the Centre
1. The centre will be dissolved at the end of the term laid down in Article 1, unless it is dissolved early by virtue of a resolution of the university senate.
2. The assets of the Centre at the time of its dissolution shall be distributed to the founding faculties.
Art. 11 - Continuation of activity
At the latest 4 months before the end of the term of Article 1, the university senate may adopt a resolution for the continuation of the activities of the centre beyond the aforementioned term, setting a new term.
Art. 12 - Final provisions
Any amendments to this statute or the inclusion of new campuses to the Centre may be proposed and subsequently approved by resolution of the university senate of e-Campus university.