Qualifying educational programs for initial teacher training, DPCM 4/8/23

eCampus University, Accademia del Lusso and Accademia Belle Arti Sanremo “I. Duncan” have established the Multidisciplinary Center for Teacher Education - CEMFI for the purpose of organizing and providing educational pathways for the initial training of secondary school teachers. The lead institution of the Center is eCampus University.

Qualifying educational programs for initial teacher training

The following qualifying educational programs provided under the Prime Minister's Decree of August 4, 2023, differentiated on the basis of access requirements, are provided:

For the academic year 2023/2024 eCampus University activated the following Qualifying educational programs for initial teacher training

  • Qualifying educational programs for initial teacher training, 60 CFU (attachment 1, D.P.C.M.), aimed at graduates (art.5 c.1 and 2 d.lgs.59/2017) and students enrolled in master's degrees or single cycle degrees (provided they have achieved at least 180 cfu).
  • Qualifying educational programs for initial teacher training, 30 CFU (attachment 2 of D.P.C.M.), aimed at the winners of the public completition (art.5 c.4 d.lgs. 59/2017) as well as at candidates who have held teaching service for at least 3 years in the last 5, including at least 1 in the specific competition class, and at candidates who have passed the competition test related to the extraordinary procedure provided for in Art.59, c.9-bis.
  • Qualifying educational programs for initial teacher training - 30 CFU (attachment 3, D.P.C.M.), the learning pathway is to be acquired purely for the purpose of participation in the competition (presumably to be announced in spring 2024 and in any case by 31/12/2024), and the 60 cfu qualification will take place only upon completion of the missing 30 cfu provided for in Attachment 4 of the DPCM. Qualifying educational programs for initial teacher training - 30 CFU provided for in art. 13 del DPCM (for further information)

The following pathways are planned for the academic year 2024/2025:

  • Qualifying educational programs for initial teacher training - 30 CFU (attachment 4 of the D.P.C.M.), for candidates aiming to complete the learning pathway provided for in the previous paragraph (Att.3 DPCM)
  • Qualifying educational programs for initial teacher training - 36 CFU (attachment 5 of the D.P.C.M.), for candidates who enter the competition and are in possession of 24 CFUs in the anthropo-psycho-pedagogical disciplines achieved by 31/10/2022

Call - Reopening of the ranking lists

Attachment 2 - Application form





Emilia Romagna









no later than Sept. 2 at 11:59 p.m., the candidates ranked in the final rankings shall:

  1. register at www.uniecampus.it obtaining a personalized username and password
  2. Make the payment of the first installment of € 1,516.00 by bank transfer to the following coordinates:
    CIN D
    ABI 3069
    CAB 51500
    CONTO 100000002479
    IBAN: IT18D03069 51500 100000002479
  3. Send an email by Sept. 2 11:59 p.m. to segreteria.abilitadocenti@uniecampus.it communicating the USERNAME of access to the ecampus portal and attaching the receipt of the transfer of the first installment of the tuition fee.

The activities to be completed by September 2 are MANDATORY in order to receive the link to access the educational activities.

Directions for perfecting the registration will be provided with subsequent communication.

No later than Sept. 2 at 11:59 p.m., the candidate included in the final rankings shall:

  1. register at www.uniecampus.it btaining a personalized username and password
  2. Make the payment of the first installment of € 1,516.00 by bank transfer to the following coordinates:
    CIN D
    ABI 3069
    CAB 51500
    CONTO 100000002479
    IBAN: IT18D03069 51500 100000002479
  3. Send an email by Sept. 2 11:59 p.m. to segreteria.abilitadocenti@uniecampus.it communicating the USERNAME of access to the ecampus portal and attaching the receipt of the transfer of the first installment of the tuition fee.

The activities to be completed by September 2 are MANDATORY in order to receive the link to access the educational activities.

Directions for perfecting the matriculation will be provided with subsequent communication.

30 CFU implemented in distance learning modality with synchronous lessons conducted in virtual classrooms from Tuesday to Thursday.

15 CFU of direct internship, to be carried out at affiliated schools.

5 CFU of indirect internship, structured ad activities of INDIRECT INTERNSHIP (carried out in presence in one of the branches of eCampus University) and INDIVIDUAL INDIRECT INTERNSHIP (carried out in autonomous modality under the supervision of a tutor).

10 CFU of workshop activities related to the teaching class conducted in person at one of the following locations of eCampus and affiliated AFAM Institutions:
Novedrate - Milano, eCampus branch - Milano, Accademia del Lusso - Milano, Accademia “Duncan” di Sanremo branch - Torino - Firenze - Bologna - Ancona - Pescara - Genova - Sanremo, Accademia “Duncan” - Roma - Napoli - Catanzaro - Cosenza - Reggio Calabria - Bari - Cagliari.

Please note the following:

  • self-study for indirect internship will not involve synchronous or presential activities;
  • synchronous online activities will be delivered mainly in the afternoon from Tuesday to Thursday;
  • Presential activities will be conducted mainly on weekends (Friday afternoon, Saturday and Sunday full day)
  • GROUP A: A011-A012-A013-A018-A019-A022-A023-A026-A027-A028-A045-A046-A047-A048-A049;
  • GROUP B: A001-A004-A005-A008-A009-A010-A017-A054-A062.


19 CFU implemented in distance learning modality with synchronous lessons carried out in virtual classrooms from Tuesday to Thursday).

9 CFU of indirect internship, structured as activities of INDIRECT INTERNSHIP (carried out in presence in one of the branches of eCampus University) and INDIVIDUAL INDIRECT INTERNSHIP (carried out in autonomous modality under the supervision of a tutor).

2 CFU of workshop activities related to the teaching class conducted in person at one of the following locations of eCampus and affiliated AFAM Institutions:
Novedrate - Milano, eCampus branch - Milano, Accademia del Lusso - Milano, Accademia “Duncan” di Sanremo branch - Torino - Firenze - Bologna - Ancona - Pescara - Genova - Sanremo, Accademia “Duncan” - Roma - Napoli - Catanzaro - Cosenza - Reggio Calabria - Bari - Cagliari.

Please note the following:

  • self-study for indirect internship will not involve synchronous or presential activities;
  • synchronous online activities will be delivered mainly in the afternoon from Tuesday to Thursday;
  • Presential activities will be conducted mainly on weekends (Friday afternoon, Saturday and Sunday full day)
  • GROUP A: A011-A012-A013-A018-A019-A022-A023-A026-A027-A028-A045-A046-A047-A048-A049;
  • GROUP B: A001-A004-A005-A008-A009-A010-A017-A054-A062.


12 CFU implemented in distance learning modality with synchronous lessons conducted in virtual classrooms from Tuesday to Thursday.

15 CFU of direct internship

3 CFU of workshop activities related to the teaching class conducted in person at one of the following locations of eCampus and affiliated AFAM Institutions:
Novedrate - Milano, eCampus branch - Milano, Accademia del Lusso - Milano, Accademia “Duncan” di Sanremo branch - Torino - Firenze - Bologna - Ancona - Pescara - Genova - Sanremo, Accademia “Duncan” - Roma - Napoli - Catanzaro - Cosenza - Reggio Calabria - Bari - Cagliari.

Please note the following:

  • self-study for indirect internship will not involve synchronous or presential activities; synchronous online activities will be delivered mainly in the afternoon from Tuesday to Thursday;
  • Presential activities will be conducted mainly on weekends (Friday afternoon, Saturday and Sunday full day);
  • GROUP A: A011-A012-A013-A018-A019-A022-A023-A026-A027-A028-A045-A046-A047-A048-A049;
  • GROUP B: A001-A004-A005-A008-A009-A010-A017-A054-A062.


Decree of accreditation of eCampus University (Accademia del lusso and Accademia delle belle arti di Sanremo)

D.L. n. 36/2022

Law 79 of June 29, 2022, amending Legislative Decree N. 59 of April 13, 2017

DPCM of August 4, 2023

The new secondary school training and recruitment system is as the following:

  • qualifying educational programs for initial teacher training, corresponding to not less than 60 CFUs; national competition;
  • one-year in-service probationary period with final test and final evaluation.


FAQ MUR 8/5/24

FAQ MUR 29/5/24

FAQ MUR 25/6/24

FAQ MUR 12/7/24

A selection, based on qualifications and interview, is hereby announced within the framework of the University and Academic Pathways for Qualifying educational programs for initial teacher training for Secondary School activated by eCampus University, aimed at identifying coordinator tutors who meet the admission requirements provided for in Article 4 of this Notice.

The procedured is reserved to the teaching staff in permanent service in secondary school institutions of I and II grade of the national education system.

Following the reopening of the competition of the regions CAMPANIA – CALABRIA- LOMBARDIA – PIEMONTE – PUGLIA – SARDEGNA, the application form may be submitted within 23:59 of 6 september 2024

by mail to the following email address tutor.60cfu@uniecampus.it

or in alternative

by certified email at the following address scriviuniecampus@pec.uniecampus.it

  1. Does the 30 cfu Att. 1/2/3 pathway include an internship?
    Yes, it is mandatory

  2. When will the classes start?
    Classes will begin on July 31, 2024

  3. Can I withdraw from the studies, and how?
    To withdraw from the studies, you need to send a pec to the following address scriviuniecampus@pec.uniecampus.it
    You can withdraw from the studies only on the condition that you are in good standing with the payment of the course.

  4. Is it necessary to pay an application fee?
    A non-refundable application fee of €150 is required.

  5. How many contest classes can I choose?
    Only one competition class.

  6. Can I change the region I have chosen?
    No, la scelta  è definitiva e non modificabile.

  7. How can I contact you?
    You can contact us by email at: segreteria.abilitadocenti@uniecampus.it

  8. Can I make absences? NEW FAQ
    The DPCM 4/8/24 stipulates that a minimum attendance rate of 70% is required for each educational activity. This means that for 3 CFU of didactic activity, considering that 6 hours of lecture per CFU for a total of 18, it is possible to be absent up to a maximum of 5 hours. Regards to the internships, please consult the appropriate internship faq section.

  9. Can absences be accepted? NEW FAQ
    No, DPCM August 4, 2024 does not provide for the possibility of justifying absences under any circumstances, this applies to both educational activities delivered online and presential lessons. Any absences for candidates under Law 104 or health reasons are also not justifiable; should the Ministry issue new directives, we will take them into account.

  10. Quali sono i TUTOR dedicati agli studenti dei percorsi abilitanti? FAQ NUOVA
    • DISCIPLINARY TUTOR: Ensures the link between the student and the University , providing teaching assistance, at a distance (for example, guidance and clarification on the organization and content of the course). Notifies the student of any credit reconsiderations obtained.
    • TECHNICAL TUTOR ensures ongoing technical assistance during the course of teachers' online classes (for example, introduction and familiarization of the student with the technological environment, access registration, saving, storing materials).
    • CLASSROOM TUTOR Assists and coordinates students in the technical aspects of classroom connection and management, during presential teaching activities (for example Lessons , Methodologies).
    • TUTOR COORDINATOR FOR INTERNSHIP is a contact person seconded by the relevant USR to carry out at the University the task of supervising and coordinating all activities pertaining to direct and indirect internships.
    • TEACHER TUTOR: This is the teacher in service at the school in which the direct internship takes place and who accompanies the student within class groups and monitors the direct management of teaching processes.

  11. . Come contatto i tutor? NEW FAQ
    Once matriculated, the student receives a Welcome and Introduction email from the Disciplinary and Technical Tutors, assigned until completion. In case of non-receipt of the submission email write to segreteria.abilitadocenti@uniecampus.it.
    Classroom Tutors will be present throughout the presential activities.

  1. Who can apply for credit recognition? NEW FAQ
    The candidates who have sent appropriate request to the designated mailing address no later than Aug. 25, 2024 (Sept. 15 Only for students who have enrolled through the notice of reopening vacancies and those who have benefited from the shortfalls) are eligible for credit recognition.

    In this regard, we refer to the FAQ on the website from August 5, 2024 to September 17, 2024, which stated:
    “Is there a deadline by and no later than which you can make a request for CFU recognition?
    Only applications received at the mailbox prevalutazioni.abilitadocenti@uniecampus.it within 25 august at 12:00 p.m. will be considered.”

  2. What should I receive and from whom? NEW FAQ
    The students who have obtained recognition of their credits will receive from their Disciplinary Tutor a recognition grid indicating the CFUs recognized and to be integrated on the individual activities provided (subjects and/or internships) in the course offerings of the 60 CFU pathway for those enrolled in Attachment 1 and 30 CFU for those enrolled in Attachment 2.

  3. What criteria were used for those who had earned the 24 cfu by due date and were enrolled under Attachment 1? FAQ NUOVA
    Those who have submitted suitable certificate of achievement of 24 CFUs are entitled to a pre-set recognition that will lead them to attend only the credits stipulated by the original decree related to the educational offer of Attachment 5 (36 CFUs). The recognition thus achieved does not provide for further validation.

  4. What criteria have been used for those who have not earned the 24 cfu by due date and are enrolled in Attachment 1? FAQ NUOVA
    Those who have not submitted the 24 cfu are only entitled to recognition of those subjects whose Scientific Disciplinary Sectors are present in their previous university history (to be understood as previous university history I and II level degrees, old system degrees, Master's degrees and in general paths that provide for single exams). Subjects in the disciplinary compartment may be recognized only if the specific examination required is present, even if there is identity of disciplinary scientific area (example: Latin Language does not validate Latin Language Didactics).
    Partial recognition of Internships is added in the presence of only teaching activity of at least one completed year for a maximum of 3 CFU of direct internship and 2 CFU of indirect internship.

  5. What criteria were used for who is enrolled in Attachment 2? NEW FAQ
    The candidates enrolled under Attachment 2 are entitled to the recognition of a maximum of 6 CFUs per disciplinary scientific area identity in the case of transversal subjects and per examination identity in the case of disciplinary subjects (see example recalled in FAQ 3), including examinations of the 24 CFU pathway, if any, achieved by due date. Added to them is a maximum recognition of 2.5 CFU for Indirect Internship in case of teaching activities completed for one year.

  6. How many hours of lesson/internship have I been recognized? NEW FAQ
    Each CFU corresponds to 6 hours of lesson for teaching activities and 12 hours for Internship.

  7. Chi mi dice quali lezioni posso non frequentare in virtù del riconoscimento? NEW FAQ
    It will be up to the candidate to calculate how many hours will be recognized. The candidates independently stop attending the remaining classes when they hace reached the CFUs to be integrated indicated in the last column of the recognition grid.

  8. I have already taken classes in the recognized subject, can I benefit from a different recognition? NEW FAQ
    No. Recognitions were made in itinere by virtue of the continuous changes made until late August in the FAQs issued by the Ministry, it is no longer possible to vary their terms by virtue of the individual situation. The recognized subject will remain the same even if already attended.

  9. Will I also have to decide independently how many hours of Internship to do with respect to credit recognition? NEW FAQ
    No: In the case of internships, the training project will be set automatically on the only hours to be integrated indicated in the last column of the recognition grid. Specifically, the part of the recognized Indirect Internship will cover the Individual Indirect Internship, the student will have to integrate the remaining CFUs through the Presential Internship.

  10. I have not received my recognition, who should I contact? NEW FAQ
    To your Disciplinary Tutor who will conduct a direct check with the acknowledgement secretary. Please note that no awards will be made to those who have not met the deadline set by the University.

  11. I'm not happy with my recognition, who can I contact? NEW FAQ
    To your Disciplinary Tutor who will conduct a direct check with the recognition secretary. Nothing can vary from the provisions of Ministerial Decrees and FAQs so each individual recognition must fall within the guidelines given in the FAQ above. It is advisable to contact the Disciplinary Tutor only if one's recognition does not seem to correspond to what is recalled.

  1. How many hours of internship are scheduled?
    60 CFU COURSES - ATTACHMENT 1: 15 CFU of direct internship and 5 CFU of indirect internship are provided;
    30 CFU COURSES – ATTACHMENT 2: there are no direct internship CFUs, only 9 CFUs of indirect internship;
    For each internship CFU, the in-person commitment is at least 12 hours as stipulated in Article 7 of the Prime Ministerial Decree of August 4, 2023.
  2. Can I carry out the internship at the school where I am currently working? MODIFIED FAQ
    Yes, provided that:
    • the institution is accredited and is on the list prepared annually by the relevant Regional School Office;
    • an appropriate agreement is concluded between the Institute and the University
  3. Is it possible to do the direct internship only in public schools or also in private schools?
    It is also possible to conduct it at private institutes as long as they are on the regional list of internship sites.
  4. Should the internship be carried out in disciplines of the competition class of enrollment or also related?
    With Prot. Note N. 7845, June 28, 2024, the MIM and MUR have provided the possibility to carry out the internship in disciplines related to the competition class in which the candidate is enrolled if it is not possible to complete the internship activities required for the disciplines related to the candidate's competition class.
  5. When is it possible to start the paperwork and begin the internship?
    It is possible as of now to put the university in contact with the selected institution for the purpose of entering into the agreement. The actual direct internship hours will take place between September and November.
  6. Is there already a searchable list of accredited institutions? MODIFIED FAQ
    eCampus University is already accredited with a number of institutions, but candidates are advised to identify one on their own and give the name to the Internship Office (tirocinio.percorsiabilitanti@uniecampus.it), only after verifying that it is actually on the regional list of schools prepared annually by the Regional School Office of jurisdiction of schools accredited to host the intern.
  7. How can the school enter into an agreement for the internship? What agreement form should the candidates use? MODIFIED FAQ
    The agreement forms to be signed by the identified educational institution are available at the following link. The agreement forms vary depending on the region in which the direct internship will actually be conducted as each Regional School Office provides for different agreements. Along with the model agreement, the appropriate addendum to the agreement must also be made signed at the Institute. As soon as the candidate is in possession of the signed agreement and self-declaration, the student should send them to the following address: tirocinio.percorsiabilitanti@uniecampus.it

  8. Is the internship compatible with maternity leave? MODIFIED FAQ
    According to the current regulations, it is forbidden to carry out the internship during the entire period of compulsory maternity leave, during the period of early maternity leave due to high-risk pregnancy and, finally, during the period of “parental leave” (formerly optional leave).

    It is further specified:
    1. in case of internships carried out in nurseries and kindergartens: there is amandatory abstention from internship activities from the beginning of pregnancy until the seventh month after delivery (ref. art. 7 paragraph 1 and paragraph 4 of Legislative Decree 151/01).
    2. in case of internships carried out at secondary schools:
      • In case of biohazard (namely, in the absence of immunization against rubella virus)  mandatory abstention from internship, pre-natal, and post-natal activities is provided for the duration of the outbreak at school;
      • With regards to support teachers, in addition to the case of biohazard, if there is a specific risk, represented by aggressive reactions from the pupil, there is compulsory pre-partum abstentionpre-parto (ref. art. 7 paragraph 1 and paragraph 4 of Legislative Decree 151/01).
    3. Regardless of the grade of the school in which the internship takes place, all female students are required to abstain during the following periods:
      • mandatory maternity leave;
      • high-risk pregnancy;
      • so-called optional leave (additional six months, after the period of mandatory maternity leave has elapsed).
  9. If I am on maternity leave and cannot carry out the internship in the school, is there a possibility of doing an in-house direct internship?
    No, there is no possibility of alternative activities to direct internship.
  10. What forms are required to activate the internship?
    • Agreement with the school;
    • Training project signed by school tutor and coordinating university tutor;
    • Certificate of conduct of online course for workplace safety (general training).
  11. How can I take the online course for workplace safety (general education)? MODIFIED FAQ
    Successful completion of the WORKPLACE SAFETY COURSE is mandatory for admission to the internship (as provided for in D.Lgs81/08 ). The candidates can attend the course online for free by logging on to the following link:https://sicurezzaonline8108.it/ using the university's personal email address for login. At the end of the course, upon passing the test, a certificate will be issued, which must then be scanned and sent to tirocinio.percorsiabilitanti@uniecampus.it along with the training project already countersigned by the school. The course provided by eCampus is free of charge. However, certificates from other courses conducted elsewhere are allowed as long as they comply with the relevant regulations. In case the student has the mailbox blocked due to excessive inactivity, they should send appropriate unblock request email to segreteria.abilitadocenti@uniecampus.it.

  12. Where can I find the training project? NEW FAQ
    You can download the training project template at the following link. The form should be filled out and signed by the reference tutor present within the school and sent along with the certificate of safety course completion to tirocinio.percorsiabilitanti@uniecampus.it before the actual in-school activity can begin. Considering the technical time required by the university for the evaluation of the project and its countersignature by the university tutor, it is suggested that as the internship start date, a date at least 7 days later than the date the documents are sent to the internship office.

  13. Can I make absences during the direct internship hours? NEW FAQ
    The DPCM 4/8/24 stipulates that a minimum attendance rate of 70 percent is required for each training activity, consequently also for direct internship activity. This means that for 15 CFUs of internship, considering that 12 hours of internship per CFU for a total of 180 must be completed, it is possible to be absent up to a maximum of 54 hours.

  14. What should I do if the relevant Regional School Office has not posted the list of accredited schools on its website? NEW FAQ
    The fact that some Regional Academic Offices have not yet published the lists is a problem that cannot be solved by the university, we can only recommend referring to the current lists and consider the fact that if the student identifies a school that is not on the list, but which the school director deems suitable for accepting trainees, it is possible to enter into the agreement as long as the director makes the relevant application for placement as soon as possible in the meantime.

  15. Can I carry out the internship period in the school at which I am currently serving as a substitute teacher? NEW FAQ
    Subject to the consent of the Head of School, nothing will prevent the University from entering into the agreement between the University and the educational institution provided that the latter is on the USR list or that the Head of School makes the relevant request for inclusion as soon as possible.

  16. What does the indirect internship involve? NEW FAQ
    The indirect internship involves a comprehensive training course conducted under the guidance of a mentor. This course is not only limited to teaching aspects, but also includes a thorough understanding of the bureaucratic and organizational structure of the school, as well as professional codes of conduct. During the indirect internship, these issues are addressed to prepare the future teacher not only for classroom management, but also for effective participation in the complex administrative machinery that supports the day-to-day operation of the school.

  17. How is the indirect internship carried out? NEW FAQ
    Indirect internship activities, structured in moments of both autonomous and guided reflection and coordinated by tutors, include documentation and in-depth studies designed by the different training sites. These activities are aimed, among other things, to:
    - re-elaborate the practical experiences carried out, through discussion with fellow interns, mentors and professors;
    - build a comprehensive documentation of the internship period, in the form of a professional portfolio.