Call for applications for n. 11 (eleven) position as associate professor (D.R. n. 233/23, 14 December 2023)

Call for applications for n. 11 (eleven) positions of associate professor pursuant to art. 18, par. 1, law n. 240/2010

By R.D. n. 233/23, 14 December 2023, public call aimed at the recruitment of n. 11 (eleven) positions as associate professor,, at the Faculties of Economy, Law, Literature and Psychology for research and educational activities related to the following competition sectors:

Competition Sector SSD
12/B1 – COMMERCIAL LAW IUS/04 - Commercial Law 1
13/A2 – ECONOMIC POLICY SECS-P/02 - Economic Policy 1
11/A1 - MEDIEVAL HISTORY M-STO/01 - Medieval History 1
10/M2 – SLAVIC STUDIES L-LIN/21 - Slavic Studies 1
05/E1 – GENERAL BIOCHEMISTRY BIO/10 - Biochemistry 1
06/N2 – SCIENCE OF PHYSICAL EXERCISE AND SPORTS M-EDF/01 - Methods and Teaching of Sport Activity 1
02/D1 – APPLIED PHYSICS, DIDACTICS AND HISTORY OF PHYSICS FIS/07 - Applied Physics (to cultural heritage, environment, biology and medicine) 1
05/H1 – HUMAN ANATOMY BIO/16 - Human Anatomy 1
11/E3 – SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY, LABOUR PSYCHOLOGY, ORGANIZATIONAL PSYCHOLOGY M-PSI/06 - Labour Psychology and Organizational Psychology 1
09/H1 – INFORMATION PROCESSING SYSTEMS ING-INF/05 - Information Processing Systems 2
Competition Sectors SSD R.D. of appointment of the Board Minutes - First Meeting Minutes - Second Meeting Minutes - Third Meeting Minutes - Fourth Meeting Final Report Approval of the Acts
12/B1 – COMMERCIAL LAW IUS/04 - Commercial Law

D.R. 81/24 IUS/04

Minutes I IUS/04

Dichiarazione differimento IUS/04

Minutes II IUS/04


Minutes II bis IUS/04

Extension of the Works IUS/04

eCampus Call IUS/04

Minutes III IUS/04

Final Report IUS/04

Approval of the Acts IUS/04

13/A2 - ECONOMIC POLICY SECS-P/02 - Economic Policy

D.R. 85/24 SECS-P/02

Minutes I SECS-P/02

Minutes II SECS-P/02


Final Report SECS-P/02

Approval of the Acts SECS-P/02

Annullment D.R. 126-24

11/A1 - MEDIEVAL HISTORY M-STO/01 - Medieval History

D.R. 86/24 M-STO/01

Minutes I M-STO/01

Minutes II M-STO/01


Final Report M-STO/01

Approval of the Acts M-STO/01

10/M2 - SLAVIC STUDIES L-LIN/21 - Slavic Studies

D.R. 62/24 L-LIN/21

Minutes I L-LIN/21

Minutes II L-LIN/21


Final Report L-LIN/21

Approval of the Acts L-LIN/21

05/E1 - GENERAL BIOCHEMISTRY BIO/10 - Biochemistry

D.R. 83/24 BIO/10

Minutes I BIO/10

Minutes II BIO/10


Final Report BIO/10

Approval of the Acts BIO/10

06/N2 - SCIENCE OF PHYSICAL EXERCISE AND SPORTS M-EDF/01 - Methods and Teaching of Sport Activity

D.R. 67/24 M-EDF/01

Minutes I M-EDF/01

Minutes II M-EDF/01


Final Report M-EDF/01

Approval of the Acts M-EDF/01

02/D1 - APPLIED PHYSICS, DIDACTICS AND HISTORY OF PHYSICS FIS/07 - Applied Physics (to cultural heritage, environment, biology and medicine)

D.R. 84/24 FIS/07

Minutes I FIS/07

Minutes II FIS/07


Final Report FIS/07

Lettera FIS/07

Approval of the Acts FIS/07

05/H1 - HUMAN ANATOMY BIO/16 - Human Anatomy

D.R. 82/24 BIO/16

Minutes I BIO/16

Minutes II BIO/16


Final Report BIO/16

Approval of the Acts BIO/16

11/E3 - SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY, LABOUR PSYCHOLOGY, ORGANIZATIONAL PSYCHOLOGY M-PSI/06 - Labour Psychology and Organizational Psychology

D.R. 63/24 M-PSI/06

Minutes I M-PSI/06

Minutes II M-PSI/06


Final Report M-PSI/06

Approval of the Acts M-PSI/06

09/H1 - INFORMATION PROCESSING SYSTEMS ING-INF/05 - Information Processing Systems

D.R. 87/24 INF/05

Minutes I INF/05

Minutes II INF/05


Final Report INF/05

Approval of the Acts ING-INF/05