Statute of the European study and research centre for business (CENTRO EUROPEO STUDI e RICERCHE per l'IMPRESA, C.E.S.R.I.)

Art. 1 - Establishment, seat, term

“e-Campus” Online University hereby establishes the “EUROPEAN STUDY and RESEARCH CENTRE for BUSINESS”, hereinafter for the sake of brevity “C.E.S.R.I.”, which will have analogous Centres in other countries that wish to participate in the project.

In Italy, the C.E.S.R.I. is established by the Faculties of Economics and Law, pursuant to and for the effects of article 21 of the Statute of e-Campus Online University.

The headquarters of the C.E.S.R.I. are in Novedrate at e-Campus Online University; it will have autonomous offices and a secretariat.

The C.E.S.R.I. has organisational, functional, scientific, teaching and financial autonomy and operates under a self-financing and non-profit regime.

The C.E.S.R.I. accepts and adopts the applicable Statute and Regulations enacted by e-Campus Online University and must adhere to the guidelines of the Faculties of Economics and Law.

The C.E.S.R.I. reports to one central research, planning, monitoring and control authority.

The C.E.S.R.I. is established for a 9-year term that may be extended.

With a view to creating real synergies at European level, the C.E.S.R.I. has the possibility to stipulate agreements with foreign universities which will create similar centres in their countries, which will operate in accordance with the parameters dictated by the C.E.S.R.I.


Art. 2 - Objectives

Crisis in business is not just negative. The mission of C.E.S.R.I. is to create opportunity and a new challenge out of crisis.

These are the thoughts behind the proposal for the creation at e-Campus University of a study centre under the name C.E.S.R.I., a “laboratory” that will interact with the country (institutions, research centres, universities, chambers of commerce and, most important, the Market), by necessity open to dialogue at national and international level, which will endeavour to identify, by speaking to young people, students and small and medium-sized enterprises, the ideas and projects deemed to be of interest for the creation of entrepreneurial experiences, spin-offs and the establishment of start-ups that they need but are incapable of establishing. This task will be performed by optimising the resources available and using them to encourage start-ups or to increase the productivity of existing entities that are not sufficiently solid to try and introduce their ideas or products to the market.


Art. 3 - Goals

The C.E.S.R.I. aims to be a university Study Centre in strategic areas such as economy, work,

education, and corporate culture, with a particular focus on start-ups and spin-offs of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (SMEs ).

The C.E.S.R.I. counts among its goals:

1) Acting as a point of reference in the academic world by looking for a uniformity of language and ideas at European level;

2) Match the innovative business ideas of young people and students with the requirements of the Market;

3) Analyse the tools at the disposal of enterprises to prevent and manage crisis;

4) Research and identify “targeted” solutions for the entry of young people in the job market;

5) Create new learning and research methods;

6) Study, research and introduce new professions and new university faculties;

7) Design models for the prevention, diagnosis and operational management of crisis;

8) Create a multilingual web portal that aggregates in one database all the information collected by the CESRI through the direct channel of its Committees and Statistics Office and through external relationships with the Market, the University System and public Bodies, foundations and associations. The portal will be complemented by a forum open to interested students or young people, where they may start discussions, discuss issues, propose solutions, exchange experiences;

9) Support the ideas and activities who are deemed to have merit by the internal Committees of the C.E.S.R.I., offering four possible opportunities for development to the brains behind them;

10) Create synergies with Universities, Bilateral Bodies and the Public Administration.

Its activity will mainly aim:

1) To analyse the most frequent causes behind the crisis in SMEs, preparing specific models for the classification of data and the interpretation of behaviours;

2) To identify the criteria and guidelines for the selection of the most appropriate tools for the composition and the resolution of the crisis;

3) To analyse the legal/negotiation structure and the managerial, financial and operational elements of creditors agreements (articles 160 et seq. of the It. Bankruptcy Law), of agreements for the restructuration of debts, of attested restructuring plans (article 67, paragraph 3, letter d of the It. Bankruptcy Law), as well as financial transactions (article 182-ter of the It. Bankruptcy Law);

4) To examine the new figures of “experts” in the crisis of enterprises, which the reform of the bankruptcy law has introduced in all procedures, by identifying the characteristics that such figures must possess to create a professional category, inside the categories indicated by the new provisions of the law, with the appropriate skills and abilities;

5) To examine in parallel the role played by business professionals who are called upon to assist entrepreneurs when the crisis is diagnosed and at the time of choosing the most appropriate tool;

6) To prepare operational guidelines for the drafting of the aforementioned plans and agreements;

7) To apply the know-how obtained to Company start-ups;

8) To make the best use of the University as collector of synergies for the business plans proposed by young entrepreneurs.


Art. 4 - Protection of ideas

The protection of all new projects received by the CESRI will be legally guaranteed by the stipulation of an agreement signed by the parties.

The CESRI will act as guarantor in respect of the protection of the confidentiality and originality of the projects.


Art. 5 - Resources and Departments

The following resources will be available to the C.E.S.R.I. for the attainment of its objectives: e-Campus Online University, Italian and foreign Universities, the European Union, Public Institutions, Local Bodies, Chambers of Commerce, Entrepreneurs, Technology Centres, Trade Associations, professional Associations, university teaching staff, university students. All resources will be coordinated and will dispose of a multi-directional channel of intervention and communication.

To better fulfil its mission, the C.E.S.R.I. will be made up of the following two Departments with specific tasks, managed autonomously:


The activity of the observatory will consist notably in:

- the collection and processing of data from the indicated resources (e-Campus Online University, Italian and foreign Universities, the European Union, Public Institutions, Local Bodies, Chambers of Commerce, Entrepreneurs, Technology Centres, Trade Associations, professional Associations, university teaching staff, university students) for specific projects;

- periodic meetings between all resources for the exchange of the results of research projects carried out and the identification of the potential emerging therefrom;

- new degree, Master’s degree and specialisation courses for the creation of new specialised professional roles;

- an exchange of the results of research projects with the European universities with which the centre has stipulated agreements;

- organisation of seminars, Master’s, conferences for the comparison and aggregation of results and operational practices.


The activity of the department consists in:

- the implementation, at enterprise and market level, of the results of the research projects carried out;

- the evaluation of the best potential and abilities of university students to transform them in possibilities of entry into the job market and entrepreneurial mentality;

- the research and assessment of tenders and applications issued by Italian and EU institutions, as well as by Chambers of Commerce and/or other private and public institutions;

- the research and evaluation of the possibilities granted by applicable EU, Italian and local rules and regulations for offering support and advice to university students in their attempts to enter the job market;

- the establishment of specific committees for each intervention sector (such as, by way of

non limiting example: economy, the third sector, health and welfare, energy and the environment, IT and engineering, fashion and tourism, agricultural and crafts, international relations and legal systems), fostering coordination and meetings between their members;

- the promotion of university and innovation culture and the competitiveness of national and EU business;

- the promotion of entry of university students in the market, also by establishing new enterprises with proven potential and the creation of mutual synergies and incentives between young students and business;

- transforming the ideas of university students in enterprises and becoming the ideal platform for the development of the knowledge/skills obtained at the University in the global knowledge-based economy.


Both departments establish thematic committees to support their mission.

The Coordinators and members of the departments are appointed by the Scientific Director of e-Campus Online University and by the Operations Coordinator of the C.E.S.R.I.

The members of the thematic committees are selected by the Coordinators of the two Departments, following the confirmation of the Scientific Director and the Operations Director.

The Coordinators and members of the committees hold office for 3 years and may be re-elected.


Art. 6 - Entities involved

In accordance with the specifications provided in the articles below, the following entities may participate in the activities of the Centre:

 Italian and foreign Universities and their teaching staff or researchers;

 Members of e-Campus teaching staff and their collaborators;

 Professionals;

 The European Union, Local Bodies and Institutions;

 Technology centres;

 Economic operators;

 Trade associations;

 Established companies from around the world.


Art. 7 - Bodies of the Centre

The bodies of the Centre are as follows:

1) Scientific director;

2) Operations coordinator;

3) Department Coordinators;

4) Committees.

The mandate of the Centre’s bodies is set to three years, with possibility of re-election.

The early termination, on any grounds, of the mandate of a representative of the Centre’s bodies shall have no effect on the normal term of the body itself and will result in the new appointment of another member. Pending a new appointment, interim duties will be performed by the Operations Coordinator (and, in his/her absence, by the Coordinator of the Business Development Department).


Art. 8 - Scientific Director

The Scientific Director is appointed by the University Senate from among 4 persons nominated by the Chairs of the Faculties of Economics and Law.

The Scientific Director’s mandate is set for the entire 3-year term; he/she represents the Centre.

The Scientific Director prepares the programme of research activities, the budget and financial statements, drafts the annual report on the research activities of the Centre.


Art. 9 - Operations coordinator

The Operations Coordinator, appointed by the Scientific Director, holds office for 3 years and implements the annual programme of research activities elaborated with the Scientific Director.

The Operations Coordinator promotes all activities of the departments and coordinates their services, emits the orders necessary for their operation and supervises their administration.

The Operations Coordinator may stipulate agreements with Universities, Companies or Professional for the development and consolidation of the centre.

The Operations Coordinator manages and coordinates the relationships will all entities involved.

The Operations Coordinator may better regulate the composition, operation and coordination of the Committees, also by enacting relevant Regulations for the implementation of this Statute.


Art. 10 - Department Coordinator

The task of the Department Coordinators is to best manage the Department to which they have been assigned, encouraging and involving the members and reporting to the Scientific Director and to the Rector of e-Campus Online University on a quarterly basis.

The Coordinators may identify two trusted collaborators and establish Thematic Committee for the optimisation of the work to be done, with the prior assent of the Scientific Director and the Operations Coordinator.


Art. 11 - Researchers

The following persons may collaborate with the Centre:

1) Professors and researchers of eCampus university, who express their wish to participate in the activities of the Centre and who send a request to the Scientific Director.

2) Professors and researchers from other Universities, who submit a specific request to participate in the activities of the Centre; such request will be assessed and approved by the Rector and the Scientific Director.

3) Professionals and eminent Italian and international scholars in the scientific areas of interest to the Centre, always following assessment by the Scientific Director.


Art. 12 - Offices and sources of financing

e-Campus Online University in Novedrate has established offices dedicated to the C.E.S.R.I. with possible dedicated personnel already recruited or to be recruited by the University.

Master’s/Conference and Placement Offices, already established at the University, are necessary for the development and management of the C.E.S.R.I.

The accomplishment of the objectives of the C.E.S.R.I. will entail the establishment of the following offices at the Novedrate campus:

 Communication and Press (dedicated to the marketing of the C.E.S.R.I. and tasked with all internal and external communications of the Centre, the creation of a portal dedicated to the research and development world, thematic publications, newsletters and the suggestion of other communication channels, among which Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc., the management and coordination of press conferences and press releases);

 EU and International Relations (upgrade of the existing office) with foreign Universities and enterprises (dedicated to in-depth relationships with the EU and the world, dedicated to the study and research of agreements and conventions with foreign Universities/Chambers of Commerce and the world of business, research agreements for the exchange of university students who are close to graduating, establishment of start-ups and Venture Capitals (dedicated to the study formats of business plans to propose to university students for the promotion of their entrepreneurial ideas, exploring entrepreneurial proposals and identify the ones that have the best chance of success, organising the intervention to facilitate the establishment and growth of meritorious ideas in business);

 Tenders, applications and incentives(dedicated to the research of existing tenders, etc., the identification of the areas of relevance to be targeted, drafting the business plans and completing the forms for access to the tenders/applications and incentives for students, ensuring the success of the application and implementing all necessary related formalities).

The Centre carries out the activities for the accomplishment of its goals, aiming to be self-financed and uses resources originating from:

 Contributions of e-Campus university;

 Public funding;

 Activities on behalf of third parties;

 Agreements and contracts;

 Sponsorships;

 Income from the sale of publications;

 Fees for the registration and participation in scientific or educational activities organised by the C.E.S.R.I.;

 Individual contributions;

 Donations.

A specific Regulation will be enacted for the detailed regulation of financing instruments and the resources of the C.E.S.R.I.


Art. 13 - Auditors

For the proper management of resources, the Centre will use the services of 3 professionals registered in the Register of Auditors (either from academia or private), in charge of supervising the audit of the managed resources.

The Auditors must prepare a semiannual report on the activities of the C.E.S.R.I., which will be sent to the Rector and to the Scientific Director. The latter will have the right to question the report, by submitting a comparison request to the Auditors.

Once a year, the Auditors must prepare a report on the activities carried out by the C.E.S.R.I. and on the proper accounting, fiscal and legal management thereof. Said report must be approved by the University Senate within 30 days from its production. If such approval has not been granted within 30 days, the report shall be deemed to have been approved.

The appointment will be made by the University Senate with specific resolution.


Art. 14 - Dissolution of the Centre

1. The Centre will be dissolved at the end of the term laid down in Article 1, unless it is dissolved early by virtue of a resolution of the University Senate.

2. The assets of the Centre at the time of its dissolution shall be distributed to the founding faculties, i.e. Economics and Law.


Art. 15 - Continuation of activity

At the latest six months before the end of the term of Article 1, the University Senate may adopt a resolution for the continuation of the activities of the centre beyond the aforementioned term, setting a new term.


Art. 16 - Final provisions

Any amendments to this Statute may be proposed and subsequently approved by resolution adopted by the University Senate of e-Campus Online University.

 The 3 Coordinators, together with the Chairs of the Faculties of Economics and Law, may enact appropriate Regulations in support of the Statute and, in any case, in conformity with the objectives of the C.E.S.R.I.


Art. 17 - Agreement with foreign Universities

The C.E.S.R.I. may stipulate agreements with foreign Universities interested in participating in the project as leaders for their country.

The University that will assume this role will be obliged to adopt the statute of the C.E.S.R.I., following the guidelines issued by the C.E.S.R.I., which, although it will surrender the intellectual property of the project, in its capacity as promoter will maintain the role of international coordinator between the Universities and the European Union.

The C.E.S.R.I. may cancel the agreement if the foreign University does not comply with the guidelines laid down by the Statute of the C.E.S.R.I.

Any amendments or supplements to the statute, proposed by foreign Universities with which the centre has stipulated an agreement, will be previously assessed by the Scientific Director of the C.E.S.R.I.