Regulation on the final Master’s degree dissertation


Students registered in the Master’s degree course who have successfully sat all exams foreseen by their study plan and whose grades are within the limits imposed by the Master’s degree regulation may be admitted to the final degree exam.

The student must have submitted the title of the dissertation or Work Job six months before the start of the final dissertation discussion session.

The application for admission to the degree exam must be sent to the Student Administration Office at least 15 days before the date of the exam. The application will lapse if the conditions for admission have not been met.


The Examination Board that will discuss the arguments foreseen for the final exam of the Master’s degree is composed of regular members of teaching staff, associate professors and researchers of the Faculty. Professors who carry out teaching assignments at the Faculty and members of the teaching staff who teach Master’s degree courses, as well as company mentors may also form part of the Board.

In exceptional or justified cases, members of the teaching staff of other Faculties may also participate in the Board. The Final Examination Board, appointed by the Rector, is usually made up of 7 members (with 5 members as a minimum) and is chaired by the Master’s Chairman or the Faculty Chair; both may appoint his/her delegate, selected from among the Faculty’s tenured professors and, in exceptional cases, also among professors who carry out teaching assignments in the Faculty.


The final exam for the Master’s degree consists in the oral discussion of a written thesis.

The arguments must be written clearly, rigorously and must be easily legible. Once completed and approved by the supervisor, they will be registered with the Teaching Secretariat at least 15 days before the start date of the final examination session and will be discussed during the final exam for the award of the qualification.


The final grade is expressed on a scale from 0-110 and is assigned taking into account both the study curriculum and the final exam.

The assessment of the study curriculum is based on the average of the grades obtained in the courses foreseen by the study plan, weighed in proportion to the number of university credits attributed to each course.

The assessment of the final exam by the board is based on the increment proposed by the supervisor and on the results of the defence of the thesis.

The increment awarded by the board with regard to the assessment of the curriculum, as described above, will be taken into consideration for the determination of the grade of the degree. The maximum increment is, in any case, equal to 12 points and will always be awarded in due consideration of the judgment of the supervisor.

The supervisor will provide the board with an assessment form which will be drafted in accordance with the attached template and which will form an integral part of the student’s Master’s degree exam dossier. The final grade will be rounded up to the nearest whole number.

Students of particular merit, whose total grade easily exceeds 110, may be awarded a degree “cum laude”; in any case, the opinion of the board must be unanimous.