Privacy and data-security and protection policies

From 25 may 2018 is directly applicable in all the member states the Eu Regulation 2016/679, known as GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) – related to the protection of the natural person with regard to the treatment and the free movement of personal data.

The GDPR stems from precise requirements, as indicated by the Ue Commission itself, of juridical certainty, of armonization and greater certainty of the rules regarding data transfer from the Eu to other parts of the world. It also was a necessary, urgent response to the challenges mounted by the technological developments taking account of the need for personal data protection increasingly felt by the Eu citizens. The main objective of the GDPR european Commission are also those of returning to the citizens the control over their own personal data and of simplifying the normative context within the EU.

On the basis of the GDPR:

  • clearer rules on the disclosure and the consent have been introduced;
  • limits to the automated treatment of personal data have been defined;
  • poste le basi per l’esercizio di nuovi diritti;
  • the foundations for the exercise of new rights have been layed;
  • strict criteria for the transfer of those out of the EU have been enstablished
  • strict rules for the cases of data violation have been enstablished (data breach);
  • the rules also apply to the companies situated outside the European Union offering services or products within the Eu market.

In order to fulfil the obbligations provided for by the GDPR, eCampus Telematic University has been provided with new and specific disclosures, different depending on the interested party (potential students, students, teachers and collaborators).

Furthermore the University has already welcomed all the innovations introduced by the Regulation, starting from those put into place so far, in order to conform to the Legislative Decree 196/2003, aknowledged as 'Consolidated text on privacy'.

As far as the treatments without the aid of automated processes are concerned, it was enstablished a properly planned archive, where the paper trail has been separated according to the category of the personal data it contains.

The policies for the safe management of the resources guarantee the physical security of the host infrastructures, both in terms of emergency management and intrusion prevention.

On the behaviour of colleagues, or of employees and external collaborators, that is normally adopted in the context of a working relationship, including the use of IT and telematic resources, which must always be inspired by the principle of diligence and fairness (to avoid exposing the University to possible risks of civil, criminal and administrative involvement, creating problems for its security and image), the University has drawn up a specific regulation ("Regulation on the processing of data and IT tools, 02/01/2024), aimed at avoiding unwitting conduct that could trigger problems or threats to the security of the University's data or equipment; data and IT equipment, dated 02/01/2024), aimed at preventing unconscious conduct from triggering problems or threats to the security of the University's data or equipment.

The aforementioned Regulation apply to managers and employees who find themselves working with the resources made available by the University; stationary workstations (desktop PCs and similar) and “mobile” workstations (laptop PCs and similar);mobile devices (smartphones)communication softwares;servers, equipment and all hardware in general,

to ensure that their use in a manner contrary to the assigned rules does not increase the threat of unauthorised access to data and/or the academic information system, theft or disclosure of confidential information as well as theft of or damage to the computer system and/or malfunctioning of the entire computer system in general.

For any request for clarification, the users may contact the University Data Protection Officer (DPO), Dr. Francesco Pietro Polidori, lawyer (