Supplemental Educational Services (SES)
The University has set up a series of educational activities that are highly recommended - but not compulsory - for the purpose of the completion of the educational pathway. Said supplemental services can be booked directly by students with a standard profile, while students with an affiliated profile (created for the purpose of research dissemination), in order to have access to individual bookings, will have to proceed to the payment of a specific ticket for each event or sign in with a standard profile.
More in detail (while always remaining mindful that these are additional and non-compulsory activities for the purpose of taking the exams), the main SESs provided are as the following:
- Web Lessons: supplementary lessons on the main topics of the subjects characterizing the Degree Course. Said educational interventions are structured in cycles throughout the academic year and are held directly by the Professors/Tutors via videoconference, on the basis of a predefined calendar (this particular activity is not available for Masters, Advanced training courses, Higher Professional Education courses).
- Virtual Lab: technical-practical seminars related to real cases, simulations, project working, e-tivities, etc., held directly by the Professors/Tutors in videoconference, according to a predefined schedule this particular activity is not available for Masters, Advanced training courses, Higher Professional Education courses).
- Virtual Intensive Weeks: full immersion with daily meetings in videoconference held directly by the Professors/Tutors, lasting one week, at the end of which the students will carry out the final exam (extra ordinary session - SES not available for Single Courses, Masters, Advanced training courses, Higher Professional Education courses).
- eCampus WorkApp: job placement platform available to our graduate/undergraduate students which allows them to view job offers and create a CV in line with their expectations and their professional profile.
- MyeCampus: Official App of the eCampus University that will give you access to a series of services (reservations, consultations, etc.) directly from your smartphone.
- eCampus interactive APP: interactive app, which allows you to simulate the experience of a written exam, (SES not available for Single Courses, Masters, Advanced training courses, Higher Professional Education courses).