eCampus Club is an app which allows the students (authomatically registered as Members of the Club) from all over Italy/from foreign countries to get to know each other, to cooperate and collaborate.
Please note that the application allows the members of the "eCampusClub" to share their (approximate) geographic position during the execution of the app.
There is no need to be students of eCampus University to gain access to eCampus Club. An eventual non-student may register to the app as a guest user with limited access.
The characteristic function of the app is that of sharing the approximate geographic position with the other users and, progressively, with the only members in a selective modality (for example only with the members geographically close or members registered to the same degree course), in order to communicate collaborate and share opinions through a specific chat section.
The app eCampus Club is divided into five sections: the "Chat" section is reserved to the Members, the "Map" section, designed to view the approssimate position of the users, the "Message Board", where the users may open new threads, the "Guide" of the application and, finally, the personal data of the user.
The "Guest" users may open new threads in the message board with questions inherent to the Club or the activities of eCampus University, which may be answered by the Members of the Club.
We recommend the users (both Members and Users) to consult the online guide in order to make the most of the functions available.
To consult the privacy policy click on the following link:
For information and technical support please contact the following addresses:
- Google Play Store: eclub.play@uniecampus.it
- Apple App Store: eclub.app@uniecampus.it
Warning: the University reserves to remove without previous notice any comment deemed illecit, defamatory and/or slanderous, vulgar, privacy-harmful, racist, class-conscious or reprehensible; containing promotions of religions or cults, terrorist or extremist groups; comments inspired by fanatism, racism, hate or irreverence; which may be harmful, in any way, to minors; providing confidential information acquired by virtue of an employment relationship or a non-disclosure agreement; containing personal data or personal/third parties' phone numbers; detritmental to patents, brands, secrets, copyrights or other rights for industrial and/or intellectual property of third parties; with advertising contents and more in general providing messages for any commercial use (promotion, sponsoring and marketing of products and services); communicating via coded messages; using coarse language. The authors of the aformentioned contents (be them Members or Guests) shall be perpetually banned from the app.