The non-eu students resident abroad who wish to enrol at an Italian state/non-state University legally authorized to issue Degree Titles, as provided for in the circular of the Ministry of Education, University and Scientific Research, shall carry out an Italian Language test for the purpose of establishing the necessary prerequisites for the admission to the Italian educational institutions. 

MIUR Circular

Procedures for entry, stay and enrolment of foreign/international students to higher education courses in Italy a.a. 2019-20 (updated to March 2019) Shall be exempted from the aforementioned requirement:
  1. the students matriculating to a degree course provided in english language; 
  2. the students in possess of a certification of Italian language proficiency (at least a B2 in the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages)
eCampus University, pursuant to what is provided for in the circular, shall provide for the direct selection of the candidates before proceeding with the preregistration. For said purpose the Students' Secretariat of eCampus University shall provide for a pre-evaluation of each candidacy. Therefore, the students shall provide a copy of a their certificate of study, as well as any other document considered to be useful for the purpose of the pre-evaluation (declaration of value, certificates issued by external institutions, certifications issued by ENIC-NARIC centres, etc...). The Student Secretariat shall inform each admitted candidate by letter (drafted according to the Form D4, attached to the circular. The candidates shall submit said letter to the diplomatic-consular representatives during the process of pre-matriculation. The documents normally required by the Students' Secretariat of eCampus University are the following:
  • original copy of the certificate of study (or certified copy) attained after at least 12 years of schooling, or replecement certificate for all legal purposes;
  • Declaration of value certifying the 12 years of schooling or alternatively, certification issued by the ENIC-NARIC centres;
    • Certificate attesting the successful completion of the academic suitability eventually provided for the access to University;
    • Italian translation of the documents provided in points a) and b);
  • Eventual other documentation required by the University, in relation to the individual candidacy.
The diplomatic-consular representatives, upon submission of the suitability letter, shall verify all the elements related to the application for a study visa. It should be noted that the academic evaluation concerning the titles of study for the access to the courses of study falls within the competence of the University. Upon completion of the pre-registration all the students shall submit the official request for a study visa to the Italian diplomatic-consular representative. eCampus University requires the implementation of an online italian language test before the submission of the application for the visa, in order to speed up the procedure. The test consists in an online oral examination, judged by an Examining Commission, whose members shall belong to the CLA (University Language Center), eventually assisted by other Professors.