Bando per la copertura di n. 1 posti di Ricercatore universitario a tempo determinato ai sensi dell'art. 24 comma 3 lettera a) della L. 240/2010 – INGEGNERIA

Call for applications for n. 1 position as Academic Researcher, pursuant to art. 24, par. 3 lett. a), Law 240/2010.

By D.R. n. 113/24, 16 april 2024, Official Gazette – Competitions and Exams n. 36, 03/05/2024, a selection procedure based on qualifications and public discussion is announced for the recruitment of n. 1 Fixed-term Academic Researcher, pursuant to art. 24, L.240/2010

Competition Sector SSD
09/H1 - INFORMATION PROCESSING SYSTEMS ING-INF/05 Information Processing Systems 1
Competition sector SSD D.R. appointment of the commission Minutes - I Meeting Minutes - II Meeting Minutes - III Meeting Minutes - IV Meeting Final Report Decree of Approval
09/H1 - INFORMATION PROCESSING SYSTEMSI ING-INF/05 - Sistemi di Elaborazione delle Informazioni D.R. 264-24 ING-INF/05 Minutes I ING-INF/05 Minutes II ING-INF/05