GeronimAI Project

The aim of the GeronimAI project is to realize a cutting-edge cyber security solution through the development of an AI-based training platform, aimed at professionals in the field, offering individual and group training to bridge the training gap of specialized skills, respond effectively to growing market needs, and increase the resilience, deterrence, and defensive capability of organizations.
Research, Development and Innovation
Scientific research activities involve the implementation of technologies for the development of training scenarios that faithfully reproduce specific economic and social contexts. These scenarios, in addition to including IT infrastructure, will also integrate complex interactions, operational mechanisms and workflows typical of the simulated contexts. Development of the platform will result in virtual networks, each with virtual machines configured for the training scenarios. The virtual environments will be designed to emulate the most advanced vulnerabilities and attack techniques, according to industry and international standards. This will ensure effective and proactive training to meet the challenges of today's cyber crime landscape.
ERC Sectors
- PE6_5 Security, privacy, cryptology, quantum cryptography
- PE6_7 Artificial intelligence, intelligent systems, natural language processing
Area of specialization RIS3 Lazio
- Area 6 - Security: Cyber risk management and insurance models
Expected Results
The goal of the CSR project is to achieve TRL7 through the demonstration of a prototype of the GeronimAI platform in an operational environment. Its key innovations compared to solutions already on the market will be:
- The definition of training challenges on entire high-interaction networks (real systems), instead of being limited to single machine instances; establishment of complex networks for each scenario, including intermediate devices specifically configured for training challenges.
- The use of Artificial Intelligence to guide users through personalized learning pathways.
- The use of Visual Storytelling to increase the realism of exercises.
- The use of Italian language to eliminate language barriers, allowing users to better focus on the exercises.
Participants ATI
Fata Informatica Srl | Università Telematica E-Campus |
Project cost 608.711,73 euro | Project cost 130.812,50 euro |
Subsidy 389.932,35 euro | Subsidy 104.650,00 euro |
Public Notice
Competitive Repositioning RSI
Regional Program FESR Lazio 2021-2027
CUP: F89J23001450007