Journalism Panorama Academy

1st Level Academic Master


  • Maurizio Belpietro
    President of the Italian Publishing Company, editor of Panorama and La Verità.
  • Massimo de’ Manzoni
    Co-editor of La Verità and director of the Master
  • Pietro Luigi Polidori
    eCampus University
  • Rosario Rasizza
    CEO of Openjobmetis SpA and President of Assosomm
  • Lorenzo Suraci
    Founder and President of RTL 102.5


The aim of the Master is to acquire the tools and techniques required to work in the world of communication and information in the multimedia age.

The Master combines academic and practical training in order to offer students quality training in the use of the most advanced techniques in writing, word processing, digital journalism, production of television and radio reports, live broadcasts, surveys, interviews and podcasts, elements of economics and information law.


The master was developed for candidates aiming to acquire the competencies required in order to work in the world of communication, digital information and print media, establishing a useful contact with one of the most dynamic independent publishing group on the Italian scene.


Degree attained before Ministerial Decree 509/99, or Bachelor's Degree, attained pursuant to MD 270/04 in any discipline or equivalent degree.



The master has a yearly duration and is structured into 6 modules:
9 CFU implemented in full online modality through the academic platform accessible 24 hours a day.
3 CFU providing practical workshop activities at the Panorama News headquarters, directed by Massimo de’ Manzoni, coordinator of the Master.

Upon completion of the learning pathway, the candidates are required to carry out a curricular internship at the editorial offices of the group's newspapers and official partners of the Master.

In order to attain the final certificate, the student must participate in at least 80% of the presential lessons, pass the multiple-choice profit exams scheduled for each macro module of the course, have completed the scheduled internship hours, and take a final exam that consists in the development of a dissertation to be discussed in front of a faculty committee appointed by the University.