Conscious and shared study
The main reference and measurement unit of the design and planning of teaching is the European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS) which was introduced in the university’s system by decree no. 509/99, which defines each ECTS credit as 25 hours of activity by the student.
All student educational activities, lessons and personal study, are planned and controlled by the system; the ECTS principle is fully implemented in the teaching methodology of eCampus. The teaching methodology of eCampus does not tolerate indifference and lack of activity and, as such, contributes to the efficacy and efficiency of learning.
The teaching system of eCampus university does not leave anything to chance; we are convinced that academic success depends on the activation of conscious and shared study modes. The student, in close collaboration with his/her guidance tutor, designs and, whenever necessary, redesigns the entire study path, one lesson at a time. The student is always aware of the value of each individual planned teaching activity and is fully conscious of the fact that each postponement is a delay in the achievement of the final goal: the degree.
The guidance tutor is responsible for the entire project and guarantees the goal. The student and the guidance tutor share the duties and responsibilities assumed at the start of the path and renewed with time, as part of a commitment undertaken by both. If the student has difficulties learning specific subjects, the guidance tutor requests the intervention of a tutor who is an expert on the subject.