

Prot. n. 1440 - 16/1/2020

eCampus University, following the Ministerial Decree 23/12/2019 n. 1171, communicates the following:

- The Decree does not apply to the learning pathway of the students currently attending the following Degree Courses: Education Sciences, Sciences and Techniques of Psychology, Psychology, Education and Training; Biological Sciences - nor to the students who will enroll within 31/07/2020. All the students will  have the right to complete their studies, and will atain the the related title.

- No limitation may be imposed on the use of the Degree Titles issued by eCampus University, including the professional Orders, who shall not condition nor forbid the access to the State exam to the holders of a title issued by eCampus University.

- eCampus University, having deemed the Decree illegitimate, formally decided to appeal for its cancellation at the competent authority.


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